03093nam 2200541 450 991046663000332120200128145503.03-11-049213-X3-11-049103-610.1515/9783110492132(CKB)4100000007123567(MiAaPQ)EBC5574727(DE-B1597)469257(OCoLC)1076418082(DE-B1597)9783110492132(Au-PeEL)EBL5574727(OCoLC)1066190662(EXLCZ)99410000000712356720200128d2019 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierElementary particle theoryVolume 1Quantum mechanics /Eugene StefanovichBerlin ;Boston :De Gruyter,[2019]©20191 online resource (288 pages)De Gruyter Studies in Mathematical Physics ;Volume 453-11-049088-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter -- Contents -- List of figures -- List of tables -- Postulates, statements, theorems, assertions -- Conventional notation -- Preface -- Introduction -- 1. Quantum logic -- 2. Poincaré group -- 3. Quantum mechanics and relativity -- 4. Observables -- 5. Elementary particles -- 6. Interaction -- 7. Scattering -- A. Delta function -- B. Orthocomplemented lattices -- C. Groups and vector spaces -- D. Group of rotations -- E. Lie groups and Lie algebras -- F. Hilbert space -- G. Operators -- H. Subspaces and projections -- I. Representations of groups and algebras -- J. Pseudo-orthogonal representation of Lorentz group -- Bibliography -- IndexThis book introduces notation, terminology, and basic ideas of relativistic quantum theories. The discussion proceeds systematically from the principle of relativity and postulates of quantum logics to the construction of Poincaré invariant few-particle models of interaction and scattering. It is the first of three volumes formulating a consistent relativistic quantum theory of interacting charged particles.   Contents Quantum logic Poincaré group Quantum mechanics and relativity Observables Elementary particles Interaction Scattering Delta function Groups and vector spaces Group of rotations Lie groups and Lie algebras Hilbert space Operators Subspaces and projections Representations of groups and algebras Pseudo-orthogonal representation of Lorentz group De Gruyter studies in mathematical physics ;Volume 45.Particles (Nuclear physics)Quantum theoryElectronic books.Particles (Nuclear physics)Quantum theory.539.721Stefanovich Eugene1035866MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910466630003321Elementary particle theory2455800UNINA