03053nam 2200481 450 991046601310332120200520144314.00-300-15450-X(CKB)3710000000828816(MiAaPQ)EBC4603515(Au-PeEL)EBL4603515(CaPaEBR)ebr11247523(OCoLC)957126782(EXLCZ)99371000000082881620100427h20102010 uy| 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierThe art of ecology writings of G. Evelyn Hutchinson /edited by David K. Skelly, David M. Post and Melinda D. Smith ; foreword by Thomas E. LovejoyNew Haven ;London :Yale University Press,[2010]©20101 online resource (369 pages) illustrations"Appendix. Publications of G. Evelyn Hutchinson": pages [325]-339.0-300-15449-6 Includes bibliographical references.The beauty of the world: Evelyn Hutchinson's vision of science / Sharon E. Kingsland -- Aria da Capo and Quodlibet -- New England moral to adorn the tale (excerpt) -- From English schoolboy to America's foremost ecologist / Nancy G. Slack -- A swimming grasshopper -- Emmanuel: being taught (excerpt) -- Emmanuel: learning (excerpts) -- Astonishing microcosms / David M. Post and David W. Schindler -- Limnological studies at high altitudes in Ladak -- Chemical stratification and lake morphology -- Limnological studies in Connecticut: IV. The mechanisms of intermediary metabolism in stratified lakes -- The history of a lake -- A direct demonstration of the phosphorus cycle in a small lake / with V. T. Bowen -- The lacustrine microcosm reconsidered -- A treatise on limnology, vol. 1: geography, physics, and chemistry (excerpts) -- Reflection thereon: G. Evelyn Hutchinson and ecological theory / Melinda D. Smith and David K. Skelly -- Ecological aspects of succession in natural populations -- Copepodology for the ornithologist --The concept of pattern in ecology -- Concluding remarks -- Homage to Santa Rosalia, or Why are there so many kinds of animals? -- The paradox of the plankton -- The influence of the environment -- Thoughts on aquatic insects -- Experiencing green pigeons / Michael J. Donoghue and Jane Pickering -- A note on the functions of a university -- The uses of beetles -- The naturalist as an art critic -- The cream in the gooseberry fool -- On being a meter and a half long -- Aysthorpe -- Conjectures arising in a quiet museum.EcologyElectronic books.Ecology.577Hutchinson G. Evelyn(George Evelyn),1903-1991,64004Skelly David K.Post David M.Smith Melinda D.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910466013103321The art of ecology2033090UNINA