02198nam 2200481 450 991046595490332120200520144314.02-7061-2399-02-7061-2398-22-7061-2401-6(CKB)3710000001155618(MiAaPQ)EBC5820431(PPN)240749642(Au-PeEL)EBL5820431(OCoLC)1108541861(FRCAIRNINFO)FRCAIRNINFO-PUG_ROUXE_2016_01(EXLCZ)99371000000115561820190909d2015 uy 0freurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDroit des personnes /Bruno Petit and Sylvie Rouxel4e edition.Fontaine :Presses Universitaires de Grenoble,2015.1 online resource (138 pages)Droit en +2-7061-2397-4 Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux enseignants ainsi qu'aux étudiants en droit, Écoles de commerce et IUT. Le droit répartit les acteurs de la vie juridique en deux catégories : les personnes physiques (c'est-à-dire les individus) et les personnes morales (qui recouvrent les sociétés, les syndicats, les associations, etc.). Cet ouvrage présente de façon claire et synthétique, en tenant compte des évolutions législatives et jurisprudentielles les plus récentes, le statut de ces deux types d'intervenants, à travers notamment les règles relatives à leur existence, leurs attributs et leurs droits fondamentaux.Introduction Présentation Chapitre 1. L'existence de la personne Chapitre 2. Les attributs de la personne Chapitre 3. L'état de la personne Présentation Chapitre 1. La notion de personne morale Chapitre 2. Le régime des personnes morales Personal liberty lawsElectronic books.Personal liberty laws.342.73085Petit Bruno1037196Rouxel SylvieMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910465954903321Droit des personnes2457999UNINA03933 am 2200817 n 450 991030665230332120180927979-1-03-651634-410.4000/books.etnograficapress.1278(CKB)4100000007522672(FrMaCLE)OB-etnograficapress-1278(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/46196(PPN)234055650(EXLCZ)99410000000752267220190121j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierElites Choice, Leadership and Succession /João de Pina Cabral, Antónia Pedroso de LimaLisboa Etnográfica Press20181 online resource (256 p.) 1-85973-399-9 Wealth and power characterize elites, yet despite the strong cultural influences they exert, their study remains underdeveloped. Partly because of complications resulting from access, scholars have tended to focus on groups affected by elite governance rather than on elites themselves. It is often overlooked that, in order to continue through time, elites have to empower new members. Choice has to be exercised over who achieves leadership, both by reference to the elite group itself and to the wider group over which it holds power. This book fills a gap in the current literature by providing the first rigorous interrogation of the choice and succession strategies of elites in various cultural contexts - from the transmission and preservation of financial power in urban contexts to the complex relation between subjectivity and the transmission of leadership positions in places as varied as the United States, Northern Italy and Lisbon. Various elite succession types are discussed, from self-avowedly 'traditional' leaders to the aristocracy, where choice is practically non-existent, to situations where leaders are elected from amongst a group of peers. The relationship between familial property and choice of successor in landholding families, small business enterprises, and peasant communities is also examined, as are ethnic monopolies.Sociology & Anthropologyantropologia da famíliaelitehistória da famíliareprodução socialéliteanthropologie de la famillehistoire de la famillereproduction socialeanthropology of the familyfamily historysocial reproductionanthropology of the familyelitefamily historysocial reproductionSociology & Anthropologyantropologia da famíliaelitehistória da famíliareprodução socialéliteanthropologie de la famillehistoire de la famillereproduction socialeanthropology of the familyfamily historysocial reproductionBrempong Nana Arhin1325465E. Marcus George1325466Herzfeld Michael446542Lave Jean66710Lentz Carola1141431Lima Antónia Pedroso de1288015Monteiro Nuno Gonçalo777277Pina-cabral João De1099695Sobral José Manuel1325467Toren Christina974522Yanagisako Sylvia1325468Cabral João de Pina1295135Lima Antónia Pedroso de1288015FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910306652303321Elites3036904UNINA