03793nam 2200709 450 991046574870332120200520144314.01-55339-206-X(CKB)3710000000649009(EBL)4512152(SSID)ssj0001655131(PQKBManifestationID)16434862(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001655131(PQKBWorkID)14336988(PQKB)11739687(MiAaPQ)EBC4512152(OOCEL)451305(OCoLC)951830176(CaBNVSL)kck00236699(Au-PeEL)EBL4512152(CaPaEBR)ebr11204334(CaONFJC)MIL916287(OCoLC)948087540(EXLCZ)99371000000064900920160514h20132013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCanada and the Crown essays on constitutional monarchy /edited by D. Michael Jackson and Philippe LagasséMontreal, [Quebećbec] :School of Policy Studies, Queen's University :McGill-Queen's University Press,2013.©20131 online resource (341 p.)Queen's Policy Studies SeriesIncludes revised papers from the Crown in Canada Conferences.1-55339-204-3 Includes bibliographical references.Pt. 1. Canadian Encounters with the Crown. Royalty at Rideau Hall : Lord Lorne, Princess Louise, and the Emergence of the Canadian Crown / Carolyn Harris -- La Couronne au Quebec : de credo rassurant a bouc emissaire commode / Serge Joyal -- Commentaire : la Couronne au Quebec, de credo rassurant a bouc emissaire commode / Linda Cardinal -- Crown and the Media / John Fraser -- Educating Canadians on the Crown -- A Diamond Jubilee Challenge / Peter H. Russell --Pt. 2. Crown and Constitution. Crown in Canada Today : How Dignified? How Efficient? / David E. Smith -- Commentary : "Inefficient Efficiency": The Use of Vice-Regal Reserve Powers / Robert E. Hawkins -- Law of Succession and the Canadian Crown / Ian Holloway -- Case for the Republican Option / John D. Whyte --Pt. 3. Crown in Practice . Provincial Crown : The Lieutenant Governor's Expanding Role / Christopher McCreery -- Speech from the Throne and the Dignity of the Crown / Richard Berthelsen -- Cabinet Manuals and the Crown / Nicholas A. MacDonald -- Confidant and Chief of Staff : The Governor's Secretary / Christopher McCreery -- Crown Prerogative Decisions to Deploy the Canadian Forces Internationally : A Fitting Mechanism for a Liberal Democracy / Alexander Bolt --Pt. 4. First Nations and the Crown. "Recollecting Sovereignty": First Nations -- Crown Alliance and the Legacy of the War of 1812 / Stephanie Danyluk -- Aboriginal Peoples and the Crown / J. R. (Jim) Miller.Based on papers given at a Diamond Jubilee conference on the Crown held in Regina in 2012, this title assesses the historical and contemporary importance of constitutional monarchy in Canada.Queen's policy studies.Constitutional historyCanadaMonarchyCanadaFederal governmentCanadaElectronic books.Constitutional historyMonarchyFederal government320.471Jackson D. MichaelLagassé PhilippeQueen's University (Kingston, Ont.).Institute of Intergovernmental Relations.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910465748703321Canada and the Crown2249927UNINA