03163nam 22005535 450 991046571710332120210114194314.03-11-047737-810.1515/9783110479324(CKB)3710000000741529(DE-B1597)466242(OCoLC)954123301(OCoLC)957464961(DE-B1597)9783110479324(MiAaPQ)EBC4556872(EXLCZ)99371000000074152920190516d2016 fg gerur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierWerke in historisch-kritischen Ausgaben. Die Toten schweigen ; Historisch-kritische Ausgabe /Arthur Schnitzler; Martin Anton MüllerBerlin ;Boston : De Gruyter, [2016]©20161 online resource (283 p.)116 Faks., 1 KarteWerke in historisch-kritischen Ausgaben3-11-047614-2 Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- Vorbemerkung -- 1. Handschriften -- 2. Drucktext -- 3. Kommentar -- 4. AnhangWie schon in Ein Abschied (1896) experimentiert Arthur Schnitzler in Die Toten schweigen mit dem Stoffkern vom Verlust eines Liebesobjekts. In dieser Novelle erlebt eine Ehefrau den Unfalltod ihres Geliebten. Das erlittene Trauma und die Furcht vor der Entdeckung führen zu einer schweren psychischen Krise. Die am Ende angedeutete Lösung bildet eine Parallele zu dem von Sigmund Freud und Josef Breuer in den Studien über Hysterie (1895) entwickelten therapeutischen Verfahren. Die tiefenpsychologische Qualität erreicht der Text - wie sich anhand des Entstehungsprozesses nun erstmals nachvollziehen lässt - durch eine zunehmende Korrelation zwischen geschilderter Außenwelt und subjektiven Bewusstseinsvorgängen. Der siebente Band der Historisch-kritischen Ausgabe von Schnitzlers Frühwerk, herausgegeben von Konstanze Fliedl, ermöglicht das Studium der Textgenese anhand sämtlicher Handschriften aus dem Nachlass, die als Faksimile mit Transkription wiedergegeben werden. Der konstituierte Text folgt dem Erstdruck in der Zeitschrift Cosmopolis (1897), der Apparat bietet die Varianten bis zur Ausgabe letzter Hand. Ein Vorwort gibt Auskunft über die Entstehung und die Druckgeschichte der Novelle, der Kommentar liefert topographische, historische und sprachliche Erläuterungen. Schnitzler, ArthurViennese modernismWiener ModerneLITERARY COLLECTIONS / European / GeneralbisacshSchnitzler, Arthur.Viennese modernism.Wiener Moderne.LITERARY COLLECTIONS / European / General.Schnitzler Arthur, 320902Börner Ingo861007Lindner Anna901380Schwentner Isabella861009Müller Martin Anton , DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910465717103321Werke in historisch-kritischen Ausgaben2113410UNINA08199nam 2200721 450 991045680990332120200520144314.01-4426-8756-810.3138/9781442687561(CKB)2550000000019211(EBL)3268491(OCoLC)923772626(SSID)ssj0000478106(PQKBManifestationID)11269754(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000478106(PQKBWorkID)10419047(PQKB)10485465(CaPaEBR)430741(CaBNvSL)slc00224280(MiAaPQ)EBC3268491(MiAaPQ)EBC4672551(DE-B1597)465271(OCoLC)944176934(OCoLC)999354773(DE-B1597)9781442687561(Au-PeEL)EBL4672551(CaPaEBR)ebr11258217(OCoLC)958514629(EXLCZ)99255000000001921120160923h20082008 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCatastrophic injuries in sports and recreation causes and prevention : a Canadian study /edited by Charles H. TatorToronto, [Ontario] ;Buffalo, [New York] ;London, [England] :University of Toronto Press,2008.©20081 online resource (778 p.)Includes index.0-8020-8967-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter -- Contents -- Editor's Acknowledgments -- Contributors -- SECTION 1. Introduction and Overview -- 1. Description of the Study / Tator, Charles H. -- 2. Overview of the Results of the Ontario Study, 1986-1995 / Tator, Charles H. -- 3. Sports Injury Prevention: General Principles / Provvidenza, Christine -- 4. Geographical Locations Where 2,154 Catastrophic Sports and Recreation Injuries Were Sustained / Tator, Charles H. -- 5. Anatomical Locations and Types of Ontarians' Catastrophic Injuries / Ackery, Alun / Tator, Charles H. -- SECTION 2. Water Sports -- 6. Canoeing / Ahmad, Yusra / Tator, Charles H. -- 7. Sailing / Muzumdar, Pemma -- 8. Personal Watercraft / Cook, Douglas J. / Tator, Charles H. -- 9. Other Boating Activities / Muzumdar, Pemma / Tator, Charles H. -- 10. Fishing / Ahmad, Yusra / Tator, Charles H. -- 11. Diving / Heinicke, Sheila / Tator, Charles H. -- 12. Scuba-Diving / Heinicke, Sheila -- 13. Swimming / Ackery, Alun -- 14. Waterskiing / Muzumdar, Pemma -- 15. Other Water Sports: Parasailing, Parachute-Skiing, Sailboarding, Sea-Biscuit Riding, Surfing, Water-Tubing, Water Polo, Watersliding, Water Play, Windsurfing / Detsky, Michael / Baerlocher, Mark O. -- SECTION 3. Motor Sports -- 16. Snowmobiling / Heinicke, Sheila / Tator, Charles H. -- 17. All Terrain Vehicle Riding / Heinicke, Sheila / Tator, Charles H. -- 18. Motorbiking / Paesani, Vanessa I. / Tator, Charles H. -- 19. Dirt-Biking (Off-Road Motorcycling) / Ovakim, Daniel H. -- 20. Other Motor Sports: Mopedding, Motorcycling, Mini-biking, Trail-Biking, Stock Car Driving, Go-Carting / Muzumdar, Pemma -- SECTION 4. Winter Sports -- 21. Ice Hockey / Saleh, Fady / Tator, Charles H. -- 22. Ice Skating / Jalal, Adnan / Tator, Charles H. -- 23. Alpine Skiing / Simson, Helen / Tator, Charles H. -- 24. Snowboarding / Ackery, Alun -- 25. Cross-Country Skiing / Ricciuto, Daniel R. -- 26. Tobogganing and Sledding / Baerlocher, Mark O. / Tator, Charles H. -- 27. Other Winter Sports: Ringette, Curling, Boot Hockey, Broomball / Muzumdar, Pemma / Tator, Charles H. -- SECTION 5. Bicycling and Other Street Activities -- 28. Bicycling / Saleh, Fady / Simson, Helen / Tator, Charles H. -- 29. In-Line Skating / Baerlocher, Mark O. / Koch, Cynthia / Saleh, Fady -- 30. Skateboarding / Butt, Bilal / Tator, Charles H. -- 31. Running and Jogging / Butt, Fatima / Tator, Charles H. -- SECTION 6. Air Sports -- 32. Flying Small Aircraft / Giffin, Meredith / Baerlocher, Mark O. -- 33. Other Air Sports: Ultralight Air Sports, Hang-Gliding, Para-gliding, Gliding / Rahman, Sana / Tator, Charles H. -- 34. Parachuting / Baerlocher, Mark O. -- SECTION 7. Field Sports -- 35. Baseball / Ackery, Alun -- 36. Football / Saleh, Fady -- 37. Soccer 470 / Saleh, Fady / Jalal, Adnan -- 38. Rugby / Saleh, Fady -- 39. Other Field Sports Track and Field, Field Hockey, Lacrosse / Muzumdar, Pemma -- SECTION 8. Racquet Sports -- 40. Badminton / Rahman, Sana / Tator, Charles H. -- 41. Racquetball / Pirzada, Kashif -- 42. Squash / Ahmed, Ishtiaq -- 43. Tennis / Jalal, Adnan -- SECTION 9. Equestrian Sports -- 44. Horseback Riding / Provvidenza, Christine -- SECTION 10. Floor Sports -- 45. Basketball / Fatima, Marium / Tator, Charles H. -- 46. Floor Hockey / Butt, Bilal / Motwani, Prakash / Tator, Charles H. -- 47. Gymnastics / Jalal, Adnan -- 48. Wrestling / Saleh, Fady -- 49. Martial Arts: Karate and Tae Kwon Do / Baerlocher, Mark O. -- 50. Other Floor Sports: Weightlifting, Volleyball, Handball, Gym, Boxing, Kick-Boxing / Rahman, Sana -- SECTION 11. Playgrounds and Play -- 51. Playgrounds and Play: Tree Climbing, Slides, Monkey Bars / Provvidenza, Christine / Tator, Charles H. -- SECTION 12. Missile Sports and Recreational Activities -- 52. Hunting / Saleh, Fady / Jalal, Adnan -- 53. War Games (Paintball) / Ackery, Alun -- 54. Air Guns / Saleh, Fady / Ahmed, Ishtiaq -- 55. Other Missile Sports: Darts, Archery, Target Practice, Slingshot / Rahman, Sana -- SECTION 13. Summer Sports -- 56. Golf / Ackery, Alun -- 57. Ball Hockey / Motwani, Prakash / Butt, Bilal / Tator, Charles H. -- 58. Camping and Hiking / Ackery, Alun -- 59. Mountain Climbing / Maltzahn, Maia von / Baerlocher, Mark O. / Tator, Charles H. -- 60. Other Summer Sports: Roller Skating, Walking, Billiards, Tree Climbing, Kite Flying, Steer Wrestling, Fairgrounds / Rahman, Sana -- 61. Conclusion / Tator, Charles H. -- APPENDIXES -- APPENDIX 1: Survey Questionnaire -- APPENDIX 2: Participation and Injury Rates - Males, Females, and by Sport, from the McLaren Report -- APPENDIX 3: Population of Ontario in 1986, 1989, 1992, and 1995 -- IndexCatastrophic Injuries in Sport and Recreation is an essential reference guide to safe participation in a wide variety of sports and recreational activities. A masterful achievement of methodology, it is the first complete epidemiological study and analysis of all catastrophic injuries in all sports and recreational activities that occurred within a large defined geographical area with a large population: ten million people within the province of Ontario between 1986 and 1995. Concentrating on injuries that resulted in death or long term disability, the contributors identify both the personal risk factors for participants and the societal risk factors that are important causes for these kinds of injuries. Providing detailed analysis of 2154 case studies, the contributors demonstrate what went wrong in each event, and show how each injury could have been prevented. Recommending specific prevention strategies for a wide range of injuries, Catastrophic Injuries in Sport and Recreation is a practical medical reference for athletes and doctors alike.Sports injuriesSports injuriesPreventionSports injuriesOntarioSports injuriesResearchOntarioElectronic books.Sports injuries.Sports injuriesPrevention.Sports injuriesSports injuriesResearch617.1/027Tator Charles H. , authttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut.896934Tator Charles H.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910456809903321Catastrophic injuries in sports and recreation2004155UNINA