05691oam 2200733I 450 991046564020332120200520144314.01-135-95730-40-203-38402-410.4324/9780203384022 (CKB)2560000000102572(EBL)1211732(SSID)ssj0000890313(PQKBManifestationID)12377871(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000890313(PQKBWorkID)10884058(PQKB)11224149(MiAaPQ)EBC1211732(Au-PeEL)EBL1211732(CaPaEBR)ebr10719805(CaONFJC)MIL497069(OCoLC)847948855(OCoLC)847526837(EXLCZ)99256000000010257220180706d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrConfronting ecological and economic collapse ecological integrity for law, policy and human rights /edited by Laura Westra, Prue Taylor and Agnes MichelotAbingdon, Oxon :Routledge,2013.1 online resource (670 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-415-73055-4 0-415-82525-3 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; List of contributors; Foreword; The gathering storm; Introduction; References; Part I: The role and history of integrity (from grave problems to possible reversals); Introduction; 1. Why the Global Ecological Integrity Group? The rise, decline and rediscovery of a radical concept; References; 2. Environmental norms in the courtroom: The case of ecological integrity in Canada's national parks; Introduction; Ecological integrity as a priority in legislation and policy; Ecological integrity in Wood Buffalo National ParkConclusionNotes; References; 3. The future of the common heritage of mankind: Intersections with the public trust doctrine; Introduction; Public trust doctrine - renewed or reinvigorated; Public trust doctrine Rio + 20 Proposal; International environmental trusteeship - beyond metaphor; Public trust doctrine and the future of the common heritage of mankind; Philosophical foundations; Property concepts?; Public governance of public goods or commons management?; Conclusion; Notes; References; 4. The exploitation of genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction; IntroductionThe relevant aspects of the present UNCLOS regimeThe question of genetic resources; Possible future developments; Notes; 5. Ecological integrity in European law?; From the right to destroy to respect for nature: the (difficult) reintegration of man into nature; The multiplicity of organizations, the lack of reference to ecological integrity; The right to nature: far from the concept of human ecological rights?; Towards nature and culture: experiencing ecological integrity in Europe?; From ecological networks to ecosystem approach: a way to ecological integrity?Fighting disintegrity: is there a European approach of ecological integrity?Conclusion; Notes; References; Part II: Ecological integrity and basic rights: The interface; Introduction; 6. Lessons learned from the climate change disinformation campaign about responsible scientific skepticism; Introduction; The climate change disinformation campaign; Norms to guide responsible climate skepticism; Conclusion; References; 7. Granting development consent by specific legislative act: Choice to circumvent public participation and judicial control? The European perspective; IntroductionEIA as an important instrument of European environmental lawThe exception from the ordinary EIA procedure; Leeway for the systematic misuse of the exception: the case of Greece; Concluding remarks; Notes; References; 8. The principle of "integration" in international law relating to sustainable development: sobering lessons for European Union law; Introduction; Origins of the principle of environmental integration in EU law; Legal nature and implications of the principle of environmental integration; The principle of environmental integration post-LisbonNormative content of the integration obligationFrom the first appearance of the term in law in the Clean Water Act of 1972 (US), ecological integrity has been debated by a wide range of researchers, including biologists, ecologists, philosophers, legal scholars, doctors and epidemiologists, whose joint interest was the study and understanding of ecological/biological integrity from various standpoints and disciplines. This volume discusses the need for ecological integrity as a major guiding principle in a variety of policy areas, to counter the present ecological and economic crises with their multiple effects on human rights. Environmental law, InternationalEcological integrityClimatic changesFinancial crisesElectronic books.Environmental law, International.Ecological integrity.Climatic changes.Financial crises.344.04/6Michelot Agnes968334Taylor Prue1961-865234Westra Laura307484MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910465640203321Confronting ecological and economic collapse2199296UNINA