03781nam 2200613 a 450 991046562170332120200520144314.00-85728-826-1(CKB)2560000000103468(EBL)3001965(SSID)ssj0000915301(PQKBManifestationID)11562301(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000915301(PQKBWorkID)10867840(PQKB)11097356(MiAaPQ)EBC3001965(Au-PeEL)EBL3001965(CaPaEBR)ebr10718675(CaONFJC)MIL881472(OCoLC)849249780(EXLCZ)99256000000010346820111024d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAnthem critical thinking and writing skills[electronic resource] an introductory guide /Victoria Pontzer EhrhardtLondon ;New York Anthem Press20111 online resource (138 p.)Anthem learningIncludes index.1-84331-870-9 Machine generated contents note: Introduction to Critical Thinking What is Argument? Research and Evidence Inductive Reasoning Deductive Reasoning The Classical Fallacies Reasoning Through the Ages Putting It All Together -- A Research Project Appendix 1: Answers for Practice Exercises and chapter Reviews Appendix 2: Logic Test Appendix 3: Answers for Logic Test Appendix 4: Persuasive Paper Rubric." Anthem Guide to Critical Thinking Skills: Language and Logic' guides readers in the process of critical thinking and persuasive speaking and writing. The text discusses informal thinking, the formal processes of induction, deduction, and syllogistic reasoning, in a clear format that makes it easy for the "beginning logician" to process. Students learn how to form a proposition, identify issues, gather evidence, and process an argument. To get started, logic games, puzzles, and real life examples ask students to consider how we evaluate, analyze, and decide. What happens if Janie says, 'Mom, can I go to the party? All of my friends are going!' And Mom responds, 'What if all of your friends jumped off the empire State building?' Is 'all of my friends are going' a good reason? Does mom have a point? Language and Logic will help students evaluate these everyday decisions. Then a more formal look at induction and deduction challenges students to practice higher-level thinking skills, such as using analogies for evaluation, and working through syllogisms to process ideas. After a review of the Greek Fallacies, readers can have some literary logic fun by analyzing old standards like 'Love is a Fallacy' and the persuasive love poem 'The Passionate Shepherd'"-- Provided by publisher.Critical thinking and writing skillsEnglish languageComposition and exercisesStudy and teaching (Secondary)English languageRhetoricStudy and teaching (Higher)Critical thinkingStudy and teaching (Secondary)Critical thinkingStudy and teaching (Higher)Electronic books.English languageComposition and exercisesStudy and teaching (Secondary)English languageRhetoricStudy and teaching (Higher)Critical thinkingStudy and teaching (Secondary)Critical thinkingStudy and teaching (Higher)808/.042071Ehrhardt Victoria Pontzer963517MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910465621703321Anthem critical thinking and writing skills2184561UNINA