03603nam 2200745 a 450 991046557460332120200520144314.00-19-955034-41-282-35471-X97866123547170-19-157123-7(CKB)2560000000295165(EBL)472208(OCoLC)502012714(SSID)ssj0000296385(PQKBManifestationID)11253818(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000296385(PQKBWorkID)10326815(PQKB)11709632(StDuBDS)EDZ0000022542(MiAaPQ)EBC472208(Au-PeEL)EBL472208(CaPaEBR)ebr10353936(CaONFJC)MIL235471(EXLCZ)99256000000029516520090605d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe final solution[electronic resource] a genocide /Donald BloxhamOxford ;New York Oxford University Press20091 online resource (423 p.)Oxford historiesDescription based upon print version of record.0-19-955033-6 0-19-170153-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; List of Maps and Illustrations; Glossary and Abbreviations; A; C; E; G; H; I; K; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; V; W; Introduction; Documentary Traces; I. A European History of Violence; 1. Europe on the Brink; 2. The First World War Era; 3. Ethnopolitics, Geopolitics, and the Return to War; II. Germany and the Final Solution; 4. Nazism and Germany; 5. Genocide in Germany's Eastern Empire; 6. The Patterns and Limits of the European Genocide; III. Perpetrators and their Environment; 7. Why Did They Kill?; IV. Civilization and the Holocaust; 8. Locating Genocide in the Human Past; EndnotesSelect BibliographyIndex; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; V; W; Y; ZThe Holocaust is frequently depicted in isolation by its historians. Some of them believe that to place it in any kind of comparative context risks diminishing its uniqueness and even detracts from the enormity of the Nazi crime. In reality, such a restricted understanding of 'uniqueness' has pulled the Holocaust apart from history and set up barriers to a better understanding of the racial onslaught unleashed within the Third Reich and its conquered territories.Working against the grain of much earlier writing, this innovative new history combines a detailed re-appraisal of the development ofOxford histories.GenocideGermanyHistory20th centuryHolocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)CausesJewsGovernment policyGermanyHistory20th centuryGenocidePolitical aspectsGenocideSociological aspectsGermanyEthnic relationsHistory20th centuryEuropeEthnic relationsHistory20th centuryElectronic books.GenocideHistoryHolocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)Causes.JewsGovernment policyHistoryGenocidePolitical aspects.GenocideSociological aspects.940.53/1811Bloxham Donald266577MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910465574603321The final solution2261302UNINA