05531nam 2200685 a 450 991046545200332120200520144314.090-272-7155-0(CKB)2560000000105274(EBL)1211769(SSID)ssj0000888033(PQKBManifestationID)11472035(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000888033(PQKBWorkID)10847113(PQKB)10567081(MiAaPQ)EBC1211769(Au-PeEL)EBL1211769(CaPaEBR)ebr10718655(CaONFJC)MIL497462(OCoLC)851078430(EXLCZ)99256000000010527420130524d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrProximization[electronic resource] the pragmatics of symbolic distance crossing /Piotr CapAmsterdam ;Philadelphia John Benjamins Pub. Co.20131 online resource (230 p.)Pragmatics & beyond new series,0922-842X ;v. 232Description based upon print version of record.90-272-5637-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Proximization; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 1.1 Project overview; 1.2 A brief history of proximization; 1.3 Direct goals; 1.4 Theoretical environment and theoretical implications as indirect goals; 1.5 Chapter overview; 2. Proximization as a (linguistic) concept; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Paul Chilton: From "representational proximising" in "geopolitical spaces" to Deictic Space Theo; 2.2.1 The 2004 approach: 3-d positioning and representations of the Kosovo war; 2.2.2 Discourse Space Theory or Deictic Space Theory?2.3 Piotr Cap: Proximization for legitimization in search of quantifiable evidence; 2.3.1 The conceptual and "qualitative" stage; 2.3.2 The "qualitative-quantitative" stage; 2.4 Christopher Hart: Proximization and/within coercion, predication, metaphor; 2.5 Patricia Dunmire: Proximization across political genres; 2.6 Other approaches; 2.7 Approaches to proximization versus traditional accounts of deixis and perspective; 2.8 Summary; 3. Proximization and legitimization; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Legitimization: A multi-level phenomenon3.2.1 Perspectives from cognitive science, socio-political theory and social psychology3.2.2 Perspectives from linguistic pragmatics, text linguistics and critical discourse studies; 3.3 Legitimization through proximization, proximization for legitimization; 3.3.1 A sample analysis; 3.3.2 Maintaining the (AEI) legitimization: Changes in proximization strategies; 3.3.3 Interventionist discourses; 3.4 Beyond the war-on-terror; 4. Conceptual structure of the (S)patial-(T)emporal-(A)xiological model of proximization; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Spatial proximization4.2.1 Threat construal through the ODC characterization4.2.2 Threat construal through the ODC impact speed; 4.2.3 Threat construal through the ODC impact consequences; 4.3 Temporal proximization; 4.3.1 "A September morning"; 4.3.2 Towards more quantifiable markers; 4.4 Axiological proximization; 4.4.1 Axiological proximization with high and explicit impact probability; 4.4.2 Axiological proximization with low(er) and implicit impact probability; 4.5 Conclusions; 5. The STA model and the 2001-2010 decade of the anti-terrorist discourse: Methodology and data; 5.1 Introduction5.2 Three frameworks of proximization5.2.1 The spatial proximization framework; Category assignment of spatial proximization items; 5.2.2 The temporal proximization framework; Category assignment of temporal proximization items; 5.2.3 The axiological proximization framework; Category assignment of axiological proximization items; 5.3 The corpus and the sub-corpora; 5.4 Counts from the proximization frameworks; 5.4.1 Counts from the spatial framework; 5.4.2 Counts from the temporal framework; 5.4.3 Counts from the axiological framework; 5.5 Conclusion6. The STA model and the 2001-2010 decade of the anti-terrorist discourse: DiscussionThis book proposes a new theory ("proximization theory") in the area of political/public legitimization discourse. Located at the intersection of Pragmatics, Cognitive Linguistics and critical approaches, the theory holds that legitimization of broadly consequential political/public policies, such as pre-emptive interventionist campaigns, is best accomplished by forced construals of virtual external threats encroaching upon the speaker and her audience's home territory. The construals, which proceed along spatial, temporal and axiological lines, are forced by strategic deployment of lexico-graPragmatics & beyond companion series ;232.PragmaticsDiscourse analysisPolitical aspectsRhetoricPolitical aspectsEnglish languageRhetoricElectronic books.Pragmatics.Discourse analysisPolitical aspects.RhetoricPolitical aspects.English languageRhetoric.320.01/4Cap Piotr751111MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910465452003321Proximization1510561UNINA