04970nam 2200685 450 991046543230332120200903223051.01-78441-077-2(CKB)3710000000218316(EBL)1766284(SSID)ssj0001374481(PQKBManifestationID)11726448(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001374481(PQKBWorkID)11326519(PQKB)10694927(MiAaPQ)EBC1766284(Au-PeEL)EBL1766284(CaPaEBR)ebr10909706(CaONFJC)MIL639431(OCoLC)891400189(EXLCZ)99371000000021831620140901h20142014 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrAdvances in group processes /edited by Shane R. Thye, Edward J. Lawler ; contributors, Joseph Berger [and thirty others]First edition.Bingley, England :Emerald,2014.©20141 online resource (313 p.)Advances in Group Processes,0882-6145 ;Volume 31Description based upon print version of record.1-322-08180-8 1-78441-078-0 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters.Front Cover; Advances in Group Processes; Copyright page; Contents; List of contributors; Preface; Twenty-five years of the group processes conference: A review essay; Introduction; Small groups research; Group processes research; The Group processes conference; The Group processes conference and group processes research; The Group processes conference and advances in group processes research; Notes; References; Expectation states theory: Growth, opportunities and challenges; The Branches of the program; Theoretical growth in the program; Opportunities and challenges; Notes; AcknowledgmentsReferences The Development of Identity Theory; Identity theory in 1988; Identity theory since 1988; Identity theory for the future; Conclusion; Notes; Acknowledgment; References; Relational cohesion, social commitments, and person-to-group ties: Twenty-five years of a theoretical research program; Theoretical foundations; Theoretical definitions and scope; Relational cohesion theory; The affect theory of exchange; The Theory of social commitments; Relation to other work; New questions; Conclusions; Acknowledgment; References; Back to the future: 25 Years of research in affect control theoryFrom nascence to maturation Theoretical advances since 1988; Technological advances since 1988; Cross-cultural research; Empirical tests of the theory; Substantive applications; Summary and conclusion; Notes; References; Elementary theory: 25 Years of expanding scope and increasing precision; The secret of power in structures; Basic concepts; Inclusion and power; Connection and power; Weak power; Power and influence; Status value and status influence; Strategic analysis; Coalitions and collective goods; Ordering and gate keeping; Legitimacy and power; Social values and rational choicePower-at-a-distance in flow networks Testing ten theories; One-shot exchange and the shadow of the future; Analyzing large-scale networks; Experimental methods; Prehistoric social dynamics; Future directions; Notes; Acknowledgment; References; Perceptions of ability and adherence to rules, guidelines, and tradition; Introduction; Theoretical development; Propositions; Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; Note; References; Referent Networks and Distributive Justice; Distributive justice; Method; Results; Discussion and conclusion; Notes; Acknowledgments; ReferencesBeyond Networks in Structural Theories of Exchange: Promises from Computational Social Science Conventional views of networks as temporally continuous and stable structures; Four conventional ways of thinking about social ties; Computational social science: New lenses for studying behavioral interaction; Beyond Networks: Considering the Structure and Dynamics of Interaction; Conclusion; Notes; Acknowledgments; ReferencesAdvances in Group Processes publishes theoretical analyses, reviews, and theory based empirical chapters on group phenomena. This volume contains papers presented at the 25th anniversary of the Annual Group Processes Conference.Advances in group processes ; Volume 31.Social groupsSocial interactionElectronic books.Social groups.Social interaction.305Thye Shane R.Lawler Edward J.Berger JosephMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910465432303321Advances in group processes1213819UNINA