04668nam 2200625 450 991046493220332120200520144314.0(CKB)3710000000058251(EBL)3115861(SSID)ssj0001189628(PQKBManifestationID)11626675(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001189628(PQKBWorkID)11177858(PQKB)11542692(MiAaPQ)EBC3115861(Au-PeEL)EBL3115861(CaPaEBR)ebr10781920(OCoLC)922966360(EXLCZ)99371000000005825120131104d2008 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrBrussels and Europe Acta of the International Colloquium on Brussels and Europe, held in the Albert Borschette Conference Centre in Brussels, on 18 and 19 December 2009 = Bruxelles et l'Europe : Actes du Colloque International sur Bruxelles et l'Europe, tenu au Centre de Conférence Albert Borschette a` Bruxelles, le 18 et 19 décembre 2006 /Roel De Groof (ed.)Brussels, Belgium :Academic and Scientific Publishers,2008.©20081 online resource (593 p.)Description based upon print version of record.90-5487-529-1 Includes bibliographical references.""Front ""; ""Contents""; ""Introduction""; ""Brussels and Europe: a general outline""; ""Partie I""; ""The Global City: Introducing a Concept""; ""Brussels in world cit y networks""; ""Brussels, Capital of Europe: Part of a Polycentric Headquarters System""; ""Promoting Brussels as political world capital. From the national jubilee of 1905 to Expo 58""; ""The Legal Status of Brussels as European Capital""; ""Bruxelles et le siege des institutions europeennes: enjeux et perspectives""; ""The Brussels-Capital Region in Europe""""Brussels and the Europe of Regions. The Representation of the European Regions in Brussels""""Brussels as the place for lobbying the European Union""; ""Partie II""; ""The Impact of the Presence of European and International Institutions on the Regional Economic Fabric in Brussels""; ""Belgian SMEs in the European world in Brussels. An exploratory examination of the commercial relations between the European institutions and the EU-dependent sectors in Brussels and Belgian SMEs""""Lâco nomie et la socio -demographie de la Region de Bruxelles-Capitale et la presence europeenne et internationale""""L'impact de l'Unio n europeenne sur les prix de l'immobilier Bruxelles et la configuration spatiale de la ville""; ""Le marche loc atif bruxellois et l'Europe""; ""Les evolutions majeures et les princi paux acteurs du secte ur immobilie Bruxelles""; ""Political participation and electoral impact of EU-citizens in the Brussels Capital Region: The October 2006 local elections""""La cooperation Bruxelles Europe : chronique dâun dialogue amorce""""Intergovernmental relations in Brussels: complex interdependencies? The case of urban regeneration and the European funds, 1994-2006""; ""Les fonds structurels europeens dans la Region de Bruxelles-Capitale. Le processus de decision""; ""The used languages and identity of European officials and EU citizens in Brussels""; ""Le statut juridique des eco les europeennes en droit public belge et europeen""; ""Multi lingual development in the European Schools""; ""Partie III""""Imagining the Capital of Europe""""Layered Urban Development: Managing the European Quarter in Brussels""; ""Dâune possible dynamique de collaboration entre les secteurs public et prive dans l'amenagement du territoire de Bruxelles, capitale de lâ Europe""; ""Quel est lâ impact de la presence des institutions europeennes sur les politiques de securite urbaine bruxelloises ?""GlobalizationEconomic aspectsBelgiumBrusselsCongressesGlobalizationSocial aspectsBelgiumBrusselsCongressesEuropean Union countriesPolitics and governmentCongressesBrussels (Belgium)HistoryCongressesBelgiumRelationsEuropeElectronic books.GlobalizationEconomic aspectsGlobalizationSocial aspects337.493Groof Roel de1965-855180De Groof Roel855181MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910464932203321Brussels and Europe1909331UNINA