05685nam 2200769 a 450 991046449730332120200520144314.01-283-43377-X9786613433770981-4343-99-4(CKB)3400000000016066(EBL)840616(OCoLC)858228119(SSID)ssj0000985567(PQKBManifestationID)11575105(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000985567(PQKBWorkID)10933152(PQKB)11315474(MiAaPQ)EBC840616(WSP)00008135(Au-PeEL)EBL840616(CaPaEBR)ebr10524575(CaONFJC)MIL343377(EXLCZ)99340000000001606620120210d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdvances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy[electronic resource] /edited by S.H. Lin, A.A. Villaeys, Y. FujimuraSingapore World Scientific20111 online resource (259 p.)Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy ;v. 20Description based upon print version of record.981-4343-98-6 Includes bibliographical references.CONTENTS; 1. Wave Packet Analysis of Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy K. Niu, B. Zhao, Z. Sun and Soo-Y. Lee; 1. Introduction; 2. Theory; 2.1 Coupled wave theory of FSRS and its limitations; 2.2 Quantum theory of FSRS; 3. Applications, Results and Discussion; 3.1 Analytic results for FSRS from a stationary state with polyatomic harmonic potentials; 3.2 Application to FSRS of Rhodamine 6G; 3.3 Application to the FSRS from a coherent vibrational state of CDCl 3; 3.3.1 Direct fifth-order process; 3.3.2 Cascade processes; 3.3.3 Direct fifth-order and cascade results of CDCl 34. Conclusion and outlookAcknowledgements; References; 2. Field-Free Molecular Alignment by Two Femosecond Laser Pulses Chengyin Wu, Hongbing Jiang and Qihuang Gong; 1. Introduction; 2. Theory; 2.1 Creation of rotational wavepacket; 2.2 Characterization of rotational wavepacket; 2.3 Control of rotational wavepacket; 3. Experimental Method; 4. Results and Discussion; 4.1 Manipulation of alignment structures; 4.2 Enhancement of molecular alignment; 4.3 Control of molecular population; 5. Applications of Field-Free Aligned Molecules - Frequency Tuning of Few Cycle Femtosecond Laser Pulses5.1 Parameters5.2 Simulation; 6. Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; 3. High-Order Harmonic Generation from C60 Fullerene Plasma T. Ozaki; 1. Introduction; 2. Experimental Set-up; 3. Results and Discussion; 3.1 Observation of high-order harmonics from C fullerenes; 3.2 Influence of various experimental parameters on the HHG efficiency in fullerene plasma; 3.3 Simulations of harmonic spectra from C fullerenes; 3.4 Discussions; 4. Conclusions; References4. Attosecond Pulse Generation, Characterization and Application Shouyuan Chen, Steve Gilbertson, He Wang, Michael Chini, Kun Zhao, Sabih Khan, Yi Wu, and Zenghu Chang1. Introduction; 2. Ultrafast Laser Development and CE Phase Stabilization for Attosecond Pulse Generation; 2.1 CE phase drift caused by the grating drift in stretcher and compressor; 2.2 CE phase stabilization of multi-pass and regenerative amplifiers; 3. Attosecond Gating Technology; 3.1 Two-color gating; 3.2 Polarization gating; 3.3 Double optical gating; 3.4 Generalized double optical gating; 3.5 DOG and GDOG optics4. Attosecond Pulse Measurement and Characterization4.1 Attosecond streak camera; 4.2 Frequency-resolved optical gating for complete reconstruction of attosecond bursts; 4.3 Phase retrieval by omega oscillation filtering; 5. Application of Attosecond Pulse; 5.1 Study of Helium autoionization by attosecond streaking; 5.2 Time resolved spectroscopy study of Argon; 6. Summary and Outlook; References; 5. Near-Field Imaging of Optical-Field Structures and Plasmon Wave Functions in Metal Nanostructures Hiromi Okamoto and Kohei Imura; 1. Introduction2. What can be Observed by Near-Field Optical Imaging?This book presents the latest developments and issues in both experimental and theoretical studies of multi-photon processes and the spectroscopy of atoms, molecules and nanomaterials in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Material Science. It is an important addition to an advanced series that contains review papers suitable for both active researchers in these areas and non-experts who wish to enter the field. Special attention is paid to the recent progress of nonlinear photon-matter interactions applied to femtosecond laser induced nonadiabatic molecular alignment, high-order harmonic generatiADVANCES IN MULTI-PHOTON PROCESSES AND SPECTROSCOPYMultiphoton processesSpectrum analysisLaser spectroscopyMolecular spectraElectronic books.Multiphoton processes.Spectrum analysis.Laser spectroscopy.Molecular spectra.543.0858543.5543/.0858Lin S. H(Sheng Hsien),1937-48831Villaeys A. A898771Fujimura Y(Yuichi)321391MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910464497303321Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy2143106UNINA03058nam 2200553 450 991078829070332120230126211218.0(CKB)2670000000613737(EBL)2038791(SSID)ssj0001481313(PQKBManifestationID)12560924(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001481313(PQKBWorkID)11502680(PQKB)10828563(MiAaPQ)EBC2038791(EXLCZ)99267000000061373720150513h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe American Latino psychodynamic perspectives on culture and mental health issues /edited by Salman Akhtar and Solange Margery BertogliaLanham, Maryland :Rowman & Littlefield,2015.©20151 online resource (238 p.)Description based upon print version of record.Print version: American Latino : psychodynamic perspectives on culture and mental health issues. Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, c2015 xiii, 221 pages 9781442248564 2015002928 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter One: A Brief History of Latino Immigration to the United States; Chapter Two: Child-Rearing by Latino Immigrants; Chapter Three: Latino Ethnic Identity; Chapter Four: Latino Gender Roles; Chapter Five: The Role of Religion and Spirituality among Latinos; Chapter Six: Passion, Morality, and Resilience in Movies about Latino Immigrants; Chapter Seven: Help-Seeking Behavior and Access to Mental Health Care; Chapter Eight: Mental Health and Psychosocial Risks in Latino YouthChapter Nine: Individual and Sociocultural Dynamics in the Treatment of Latino PatientsChapter Ten: On Being a Latino Psychotherapist in the United States; Selected References; Index; About the Contributors<span><span>This book focuses upon the culture of the Hispanic population in the United States and seeks to replace stereotypes with portrayals based upon factual information. The scope of the material covered includes the topics of ethnic identity, gender roles, religion and spirituality, family resilience, and the joys of leading a bicultural life. </span></span><br /><span><span> </span></span><br /><span><span> </span></span>Hispanic AmericansSocial conditionsHispanic AmericansMental healthHispanic AmericansPsychologyHispanic AmericansSocial conditions.Hispanic AmericansMental health.Hispanic AmericansPsychology.305.868/073305.868073Akhtar Salman1946 July 31-Bertoglia Solange MargeryMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788290703321The American Latino3855491UNINA