03749nam 2200673 450 991046435040332120210515004348.00-231-53594-510.7312/davi16622(CKB)2670000000499837(EBL)1574750(SSID)ssj0001111327(PQKBManifestationID)12444633(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001111327(PQKBWorkID)11130464(PQKB)11111981(StDuBDS)EDZ0000648991(MiAaPQ)EBC1574750(DE-B1597)458779(OCoLC)979745618(DE-B1597)9780231535946(Au-PeEL)EBL1574750(CaPaEBR)ebr10839062(CaONFJC)MIL574571(OCoLC)867926171(EXLCZ)99267000000049983720140305h20142014 uy 0engurun#---|u||utxtccrAnticipating a nuclear Iran challenges for U.S. security /Jacquelyn K. Davis and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr ; Noah Arlow, jacket designNew York :Columbia University Press,2014.©20141 online resource (241 p.)Includes index.0-231-16622-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --CONTENTS --TABLES AND BOXES --PREFACE --1. Introduction: Setting the Scene for Iran's Emergence as a Nuclear Power --2. The Deterrence Dynamics of an Iran with Nuclear Weapons --3. Considerations Influencing Iran's Nuclear Emergence --4. Nuclear Weapons Operationalization: What Type of Nuclear Force? --5. Implications for U.S. Strategic and Operational Planning --6. U.S. Deterrence Planning in the Event of an Iranian Nuclear Breakout --7. Dealing with a Nuclear Iran and Asymmetric Challenges --8. U.S. Deterrence Planning and Iran --NOTES --INDEXThis volume is based on the assumption that Iran will soon obtain nuclear weapons, and Jacquelyn K. Davis and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr. develop alternative models for assessing the challenges of a nuclear Iran for U.S. security. Through three scenario models, the book explores the political, strategic, and operational challenges facing the United States in a post-Cold War world. The authors concentrate on the type of nuclear capability Iran might develop; the conditions under which Iran might resort to threatened or actual weapons use; the extent to which Iran's military strategy and declaratory policy might embolden Iran and its proxies to pursue more aggressive policies in the region and vis-à-vis the United States; and Iran's ability to transfer nuclear materials to others within and outside the region, possibly sparking a nuclear cascade. Drawing on recent post-Cold War deterrence theory, the authors consider Iran's nuclear ambitions as they relate to its foreign policy objectives, domestic politics, and role in the Islamic world, and they suggest specific approaches to improve U.S. defense and deterrence planning.Nuclear weaponsIranIranMilitary policyIranPolitics and government1997-IranForeign relations1997-United StatesRelationsIranElectronic books.Nuclear weapons355.02/170955Davis Jacquelyn K1036361Pfaltzgraff Robert L278752Arlow Noah1036362MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910464350403321Anticipating a nuclear Iran2456643UNINA