04679nam 2200625 450 991046426470332120200520144314.0(CKB)3710000000058200(EBL)3115809(SSID)ssj0001169824(PQKBManifestationID)11645193(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001169824(PQKBWorkID)11168447(PQKB)10770526(MiAaPQ)EBC3115809(Au-PeEL)EBL3115809(CaPaEBR)ebr10781868(OCoLC)922966398(EXLCZ)99371000000005820020131105d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrTranslation and knowledge mediation in medical and health settings /edited by Vicent Montalt, Mark ShuttleworthBrussels, Belgium :Academic and Scientific Publishers,2013.©20131 online resource (299 p.)Linguistica Antverpiensia.New series ;11Description based upon print version of record.90-5718-239-4 ""Front ""; ""Contents""; ""Research in translation and knowledge mediation in medical and healthcare settings""; ""Translation of patient information leaflets: Trained translators and pharmacists-cum-translators â€? a comparison""; ""Reading minds: A study of deictic shifts in translated written interaction between mental-health professionals and their readers""; ""2.3. Translation shifts""; ""(TT5) Si se tienen [sic] más de una fase depresiva severa""; ""(TT1) Aunque no se sabe con certeza, se cree que""; ""(TT2) Algunas personas nacen más ansiosas que otras""""(TT3) Para muchos, el cannabis es una manera de relajarse""""LANS11-8-Kristallidou""; ""LANS11-9-Felberg-Skaaden""; ""LANS11-10-Pittarello""; ""LANS11-11-Ross & Magris""; ""LANS11-12-Pritzker""; ""LANS11-13-Ezpeleta""; ""Pilar Ezpeleta Piorno""; ""1. Introduction""; ""2. Genre theory and genre systems in discourse communities""; ""3. Methods and framework""; ""4. Description of the medicinal product information genre system""; ""4.1. The genres of the medicinal product information genre system""; ""4.2. Summary of product characteristics and package leaflet: content and form""""5. Summary of product characteristics and package leaflet genre shift""""6. Conclusions""; ""References""; ""LANS11-14-Munoz-Miquel""; ""1.1. Popularization and reformulation procedures""; ""2. Materials and methods""; ""3. Analysis and results""; ""3.1. Macrotextual level""; ""3.1.1. Title""; ""3.1.2. Structure""; ""3.1.4. Content""; ""3.1.5. Typography and layout""; ""3.2. Microtextual level""; ""3.2.1. Morphosyntax""; "" Sentence length and structure""; "" Verbs and voice""""Preference is given to the active voice. Many passive sentences are replaced by active transitive ones for the sake of simplification:"""" Noun phrases""; "" Tenor""; "" Modality""; "" Punctuation marks""; ""3.2.2. Lexis""; "" Technical terms that are kept""; "" Technical terms that are omitted""; ""4. Discussion and conclusions""; ""References""; ""LANS11-15-Major&Napier""; ""Interpreting and knowledge mediation in the healthcare setting: What do we really mean by “accuracyâ€??""; ""Macquarie University, Sydney""""1.3. Healthcare interpreting""""2. Research method""; ""2.1. Participants and data collection""; ""2.2. Transcription and analysis""; ""3. Findings and discussion""; ""3.1. Reduced and expanded renditions""; ""3.1.1. Reduced renditions""; ""3.1.2. Expanded renditions""; ""4. Limitations of the study""; ""5. Conclusion""; ""LANS11-16-Vandaele&Beland""; ""LANS11-17-Tercedor & Lopez""; ""LANS11-18-Tussenblad reviews""; ""LANS11-19-Reviews""; ""LANS11-20-Alphabetical list of authorskeywords""; ""LANS11-21-Addresses""Linguistica Antverpiensia NS - Themes InMedicineTranslatingHealth facilitiesTranslating servicesCommunication in medicineElectronic books.MedicineTranslating.Health facilitiesTranslating services.Communication in medicine.610.14Montalt Vicent742170Shuttleworth Mark711130MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910464264703321Translation and knowledge mediation in medical and health settings2059721UNINA