05077nam 2200673 450 991046417380332120200520144314.01-78439-992-2(CKB)2670000000599099(EBL)1973850(SSID)ssj0001466789(PQKBManifestationID)11831240(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001466789(PQKBWorkID)11505908(PQKB)11314490(MiAaPQ)EBC1973850(CaSebORM)9781784399931(PPN)228008328(Au-PeEL)EBL1973850(CaPaEBR)ebr11025924(CaONFJC)MIL734283(OCoLC)906578274(EXLCZ)99267000000059909920150312h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBlender cycles materials and textures cookbook : over 40 practical recipes to create stunning materials and textures using the cycles rendering engine with blender /Enrico Valenza ; cover image by Enrico ValenzaThird edition.Birmingham, England ;Mumbai, [India] :Packt Publishing,2015.©20151 online resource (400 p.)Community Experience DistilledIncludes index.1-78439-993-0 1-336-02997-8 Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; Acknowledgments; About the Reviewers; www.PacktPub.com; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Overview of Materials in Cycles; Introduction; Material nodes in Cycles; Procedural textures in Cycles; Setting the World material; Creating a mesh-light material; Using volume materials; Using displacement; Chapter 2: Managing Cycles Materials; Introduction; Preparing an ideal Cycles interface for material creation; Naming materials and textures; Creating node groups; Grouping nodes under frames for easier reading; Linking materials and node groupsChapter 3: Creating Natural Materials in CyclesIntroduction; Creating a rock material using image maps; Creating a rock material using procedural textures; Creating a sand material using procedural textures; Creating a simple ground material using procedural textures; Creating a snow material using procedural textures; Creating an ice material using procedural textures; Chapter 4: Creating Man-made Materials in Cycles; Introduction; Creating a generic plastic material; Creating a Bakelite material; Creating an expanded polystyrene material; Creating a clear (glassy) polystyrene materialCreating a rubber materialCreating an antique bronze material with procedurals; Creating a multipurpose metal node group; Creating a rusty metal material with procedurals; Creating a wood material with procedurals; Chapter 5: Creating Complex Natural Materials in Cycles; Introduction; Creating an ocean material using procedural textures; Creating underwater environment materials; Creating a snowy mountain landscape with procedurals; Creating a realistic Earth as seen from space; Chapter 6: Creating More Complex Man-made Materials; Introduction; Creating cloth materials with proceduralsCreating a leather material with proceduralsCreating a synthetic sponge material with procedurals; Creating a spaceship hull shader; Chapter 7: Subsurface Scattering in Cycles; Introduction; Using the Subsurface Scattering shader node; Simulating Subsurface Scattering in Cycles using the Translucent shader; Simulating Subsurface Scattering in Cycles using the Vertex Color tool; Simulating Subsurface Scattering in Cycles using the Ray Length output in the Light Path node; Creating a fake Subsurface Scattering node group; Chapter 8: Creating Organic Materials; IntroductionCreating an organic-looking shader with proceduralsCreating a wasp-like chitin material with procedural textures; Creating a beetle-like chitin material with procedural textures; Creating tree shaders - the bark; Creating tree shaders - the leaves; Creating a layered human skin material in Cycles; Creating fur and hair; Creating a gray alien skin material with procedurals; Chapter 9: Special Materials; Introduction; Using Cycles volume materials; Creating a cloud volumetric material; Creating a fire and smoke shader; Creating a shadeless material in CyclesCreating a fake immersion effect materialThis book is aimed at those familiar with the basics of Blender, looking to delve into the depths of the Cycles rendering engine to create an array of breath-taking materials and textures.Community experience distilled.Computer animationElectronic books.Computer animation.006.693Valenza Enrico945165Valenza EnricoMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910464173803321Blender cycles2133799UNINA05806 am 2201117 n 450 991052020030332120240104030724.02-85653-967-X(CKB)4100000012430905(FrMaCLE)OB-mnhn-10035(PPN)260399566(EXLCZ)99410000001243090520220120j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||Nomad livesFrom Prehistoric Times to the Present DayAline Averbouh, Nejma Goutas, Sophie MéryParisPublications scientifiques du Muséum20211 online resource (671 p.) 2-85653-966-1 Nomads and nomadismPractical life in the camp: material production and dwellingPractical life outside the camp: territories and ecnomic organizationSocial life and relationship with the living: withing and outside the groupDivinized life and relationship to the dead: myths, rites and beliefsThis book illustrates the extraordinary diversity of ‘nomad lives’ in time and space, in a tribute to Claudine Karlin, comprising 28 texts signed by economists, geographers, historians or sociologists.These case studies, organized into five chapters, are invitations to meet women, men and children from all over the world. The first chapter focuses on characterizing nomads and nomadism through examples ranging from the Aka pygmies, hunter-gatherers in the Central African forest, Yakut and Kazakh herders from the Central Asian steppes, or “nomads of contemporary globalization”. The second concentrates on the material culture of camps, from the Chatelperronians in the Grotte du Bison at Arcy-sur-Cure (Yonne) to the Manteks, Kurds in contemporary Iraq. The third examines the territories and circuits inherent to nomad lives, from the first hominids of East Africa to the break in the fishing way of life brought about by the arrival of Europeans in the Magellan Strait. Magdalenian mobility trends in the Roc-aux-Sorciers (Vienne), changes in funerary practices during the Bronze and Iron Ages in the Central Asian steppes (Kazakhstan), the sexual division of labour among the Tchouktcha of Russian Siberia, etc.: the social relations with the living and the dead, in and outside the group, are the main themes of the last two chapters.But throughout the pages a single apparently simple but extremely complex question emerges. The book ends with an attempt to answer this question from the combined perspective of an archaeologist, an ethnologist and a sociologist. Because, in the end, what does being a nomad mean? Cet ouvrage vient illustrer des fragments de vies de peuples « nomades », passés et actuels, d’Afrique, d’Asie, des Amériques du nord et du sud ou d’Europe, sous différentes facettes (habitats, productions matérielles, organisation économique et territoriale, sociale, rites et croyances, art). Ce mode de vie a prévalu pendant des millions d'années avant qu'un autre,…Anthropologyethnologiegéologiepréhistoiremigrationssciences de l'hommeethnologygeologyprehistorymigrationhuman sciencesHistory.fastAnthropologyethnologiegéologiepréhistoiremigrationssciences de l'hommeethnologygeologyprehistorymigrationhuman sciencesAmiri Sarieh1453730Audouze Françoise1197236Averbouh Aline1285248Bahuchet Serge1299630Baroin Catherine254111Béarez Philippe1453731Benjamin Maria Helena1453732Berthon Rémi1283810Beyries Sylvie172850Bordigoni Marc1318929Bourdier Camille1330765Brisebarre Anne-Marie1233345David Francine183395Delvigne Vincent1453733Demoule Jean-Paul1293002Elgueta Jimena Torres1453734Enloe James G1453735Ferret Carole1316988Foisneau Lise1453736Fuentes Oscar1301235Gazagnadou Didier1292675Goutas Nejma1364295Guédon Marie-Françoise1453737Gutierrez Manuel161004Harmand Sonia1453738Hitchcock Robert K1189746Laugrand Frédéric1115717Lewis Jason E1453739Mahdi Mohamed690787Mashkour Marjan1283818Mazzella Sylvie1320805Mercier Delphine1297978Méry Sophie1453740Montigny Anie1453741Pinçon Geneviève1285298Raynal Jean-Paul1453742Roche Hélène1312413Román Manuel San1453743Sarmiento Julio Bendezu1453744Soulier Philippe745854Tarrius Alain129094Thévenin Michaël1299308Thote Alain1364557Tripier Pierre143361Vasil’ev Sergey A1453745Vaté Virginie1146634Vigne Jean-Denis1285320FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910520200303321Nomad lives3656677UNINA