02997nam 2200625Ia 450 991046412490332120200520144314.01-283-24059-997866132405901-4438-2812-2(CKB)3360000000431843(EBL)1133081(OCoLC)830168269(SSID)ssj0000649414(PQKBManifestationID)11393962(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000649414(PQKBWorkID)10608541(PQKB)10283236(MiAaPQ)EBC1133081(Au-PeEL)EBL1133081(CaPaEBR)ebr10677083(CaONFJC)MIL324059(EXLCZ)99336000000043184320110818d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtcrdamediacrrdacarrierOther combatants, other fronts[electronic resource] competing histories of the First World War /edited by James E. Kitchen, Alisa Miller and Laura RoweNewcastle upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars20111 online resource (325 pages)Papers derived from the 5th conference of the International Society for First World War Studies, Sept. 2009, at the Imperial War Museum, London.1-4438-2737-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.The First World War is a subject that has fascinated the public as well as the academic community since the close of hostilities in 1918. Over the past thirty years in particular, the historiography associated with the conflict has expanded considerably to include studies whose emphases range between the economic, social, cultural, literary, and imperial aspects of the war, all coinciding with revisions to perceptions of its military context. Nevertheless, much of the discussion of the First World War remains confined to the experiences of a narrow collection of European armies on the battlefields of Northern France and Belgium. This volume seeks to push the focus away from the Western Front and to draw out the multi-spectral nature of the conflict, examining forgotten theatres and neglected experiences.World War, 1914-1918CongressesWorld War, 1914-1918EuropeCongressesNeutralityEuropeHistory20th centuryCongressesElectronic books.World War, 1914-1918World War, 1914-1918NeutralityHistory940.4Kitchen James E948091Miller Alisa1980-948092Rowe Laura948093International Society for First World War Studies.Conference(5th :2009 :Imperial War Museum, London)MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910464124903321Other combatants, other fronts2142963UNINA