03555nam 2200553 450 991046404790332120200520144314.0(CKB)2670000000619787(SSID)ssj0001609443(PQKBManifestationID)16319508(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001609443(PQKBWorkID)14898177(PQKB)11385723(MiAaPQ)EBC4457729(MiAaPQ)EBC5423739(Au-PeEL)EBL5423739(OCoLC)990758629(EXLCZ)99267000000061978720180915d2014 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrThe roots of American order /Russell KirkWilmington, DE :ISI Books,[2014]©20141 online resource (384 pages)Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph1-882926-99-4 1-4976-3644-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Foreword -- 1. Order, the first need of all -- 2. The law and the prophets : From Mount Sinai to Massachusetts Bay ; Jerusalem: triumph and disaster ; The God of justice ; Righteousness and wrath ; Under God in time and history ; The Old Testament and the new America -- 3. Glory and ruin: the Greek world : The one betraying flaw of the Hellenes ; Solon and the Athenian polity ; And the house fell ; The cave and the dust-storm ; Aristotle and political forms -- 4. Virtue and power: the roman tension : The high old Roman virtue ; Cicero and the law of nature ; Imperial splendor and misery ; Marcus Aurelius as exemplar ; These ruins are inhabited -- 5. The genius of Christianity : The suffering servant comes ; We are God's utopia ; Living in a sinful world ; Two there are by whom this world is ruled -- 6. The light of the Middle Ages : A neglected inheritance ; The reign of law ; The frame of the English constitution ; The sword of faith ; Schoolmen and universities --7. The Reformers' drum : A little lower than the angels ; The priesthood of all believers ; England's middle path ; Kirk and covenant -- 8. The constitution of Church and State : Civil War and recovery of order ; The face of leviathan ; An Anglican doctor and a Puritan lay preacher ; A note on John Locke ; The politics of Whigs -- 9. Salutary neglect: the Colonial order : Austerity, isolation, and freedom ; American gentlemen ; Representative Assemblies and local autonomy ; The new world's Christianity -- 10. Eighteenth-century intellects : Constitutional order: Montesquieu ; Skeptical realism: Hume ; The laws of England: Blackstone ; The politics of prudence: Burke -- 11. Declaration and Constitution : A revolution not made, but prevented? ; Justifying the separation ; The spirit of laws realised: the new Constitution ; The Federal Constitution and religious belief --12. Contending against American disorder : The power of laws and mores ; Lincoln and the defense of the American order ; Brownson and the just society ; In God's own good time.Political scienceHistoryLawHistoryElectronic books.Political scienceHistory.LawHistory.320.09Kirk Russell252794MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910464047903321The roots of American order2277434UNINA