03422nam 2200577Ia 450 991046401640332120170815101955.01-4623-7393-31-4527-9244-597866128435941-282-84359-11-4518-7292-5(CKB)3170000000055300(EBL)1608360(SSID)ssj0000940051(PQKBManifestationID)11571938(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000940051(PQKBWorkID)10939140(PQKB)10126457(OCoLC)642005325(MiAaPQ)EBC1608360(EXLCZ)99317000000005530020100304d2009 uf 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAnatomy of regional disparities in the Slovak Republic[electronic resource] /Biswajit Banerjee and Mariusz Jamuzek[Washington, D.C. ] International Monetary Fund, European Dept.20091 online resource (30 p.)IMF working paper ;WP/09/145"July 2009."1-4519-1721-X Contents; I. Introduction; II. Analytical Framework; III. Dimensions of Regional Disparities in Slovakia; IV. Regional Income Disparity in Slovakia in the EU Context; V. Analysis of β-Convergence; VI. Growth Accounting; VII. Sectoral Patterns of Productivity Growth; VIII. Policy Challenges; IX. Conclusions; References; Tables; 1. Regional Differences in Real GDP per Capita and Household Disposable Income, 1995-2006; 2. Regional Differences in Labor Productivity, 1995-2006; 3. Regional Differences in Labor Utilization and Unemployment, 1995-20064. Dispersion of Regional GDP per Capita in the European Union, 1996-20055. Regression Analysis of β(Beta)-Convergence of GDP per Capita Growth; 6. Regression Analysis of β(Beta)-Convergence of Labor Productivity Growth; 7. Sources of Growth of GDP and Labor Productivity by Regions, 1996-2006; 8. Motorways and Junctions Density by Regions; 9. Foreign Direct Investment in the Corporate Sector by Regions, 1999-2006; 10. Sectoral Patterns of Labor Productivity Growth by Region; 11. Unit Labor Costs and Minimum Wage by Regions, 1998-2006This paper examines economic growth and various dimensions of regional disparities in Slovakia. We find that regional disparities in the levels of GDP per capita, labor productivity, and labor utilization have widened since 2000, coinciding with the time that Slovakia initiated negotiations on EU accession. Notwithstanding ?-divergence in the levels, there was conditional ?-convergence in the growth rates of GDP per capita and labor productivity. Improvements in total factor productivity were the main engine of growth of GDP in all regions. Sustaining growth and reducing disparities will requiIMF working paper ;WP/09/145.SlovakiaEconomic policySlovakiaEconomic conditionsElectronic books.Banerjee Biswajit979716Jarmuzek Mariusz894044International Monetary Fund.European Dept.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910464016403321Anatomy of regional disparities in the Slovak Republic2234360UNINA