03211nam 2200649 450 991046380410332120200520144314.01-62349-252-1(CKB)2670000000576365(EBL)1840918(SSID)ssj0001369053(PQKBManifestationID)12545634(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001369053(PQKBWorkID)11286068(PQKB)11633688(MiAaPQ)EBC1840918(OCoLC)933561327(MdBmJHUP)muse36936(Au-PeEL)EBL1840918(CaPaEBR)ebr10986806(CaONFJC)MIL662794(OCoLC)896796390(EXLCZ)99267000000057636520140401d2014 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrWar a primer for Christians /Joseph L. AllenFirst Texas A&M University Press edition.College Station :Texas A&M University Press,2014.1 online resource (82 p.)The Texas A&M University Press edition includes an updated preface and a new afterword.1-62349-243-2 1-322-31512-4 Includes bibliographical references.Is war a crusade? -- Some expressions of a crusade approach -- The convictions and logic of the crusade -- Strengths and weaknesses of a crusade approach -- The pacifist standpoint -- Pacifism in the Christian tradition -- The convictions and logic of pacifism -- Strengths and weaknesses of a Christian pacifist -- Just-war thinking -- The Christian just-war tradition -- Underlying convictions of just-war thinking -- Just-war criteria -- Strengths and weaknesses of Christian just-war thinking -- What can we do? -- General observations -- Some responses Christians can make -- Afterword -- The present international situation -- Some implications for moral reflection about war.War: A Primer for Christians provides a concise introduction to the main approaches that Christians have taken toward war and examines each approach critically. Some Christians have supported their country's wars as crusades of good against evil. Others, as pacifists, have rejected participation in or support for any war. Still others have followed the just-war tradition in holding that it can be justifiable under some conditions to resort to war, but that then Christian love must limit the conduct of war.In an updated preface and new afterword, Allen explores aspects of current internationaWarReligious aspectsChristianityPeaceReligious aspectsChristianityJust war doctrinePacifismElectronic books.WarReligious aspectsChristianity.PeaceReligious aspectsChristianity.Just war doctrine.Pacifism.261.8/73Allen Joseph L.1928-869405MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910463804103321War1941131UNINA