03492nam 2200769Ia 450 991046377500332120211014031752.01-282-67297-5978661267297210.1515/9783110215519(CKB)2900000000000219(EBL)548120(OCoLC)648711661(SSID)ssj0000416898(PQKBManifestationID)11300989(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000416898(PQKBWorkID)10436358(PQKB)10810866(MiAaPQ)EBC548120(DE-B1597)36148(OCoLC)1002242360(OCoLC)1004878172(OCoLC)1011453638(OCoLC)664562209(OCoLC)979689238(OCoLC)984687893(OCoLC)987934369(OCoLC)992545150(OCoLC)999379460(DE-B1597)9783110215519(Au-PeEL)EBL548120(CaPaEBR)ebr10399367(CaONFJC)MIL267297(EXLCZ)99290000000000021920100415d2010 uy 0engur||#||||||||txtccrEnglish as a lingua franca in higher education[electronic resource] a longitudinal study of classroom discourse /by Ute SmitBerlin ;New York Mouton de Gruyterc20101 online resource (476 p.)Trends in applied linguistics ;2Description based upon print version of record.3-11-020519-X 3-11-021551-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Table of contents --List of abbreviations --Chapter 1. Introduction --Chapter 2. Conceptual considerations --Chapter 3. Research methodology and study design --Chapter 4. An ethnographic account of the study site --Chapter 5. Classroom interaction 'under repair' --Chapter 6. Directives in aid of classroom organization and educational talk --Chapter 7. Interactive explaining as negotiating knowledge --Chapter 8. Synthesis --BackmatterWith English-medium higher education burgeoning in Europe and elsewhere outside the English-speaking world, this book is the first to offer an ethnographically-embedded analysis of such classroom discourse by taking cognizance of English functioning as a lingua franca (ELF) in international student groups. By virtue of investigating one such educational programme in its entirety, the study also enlarges the present knowledge on ELF discourse as it offers novel insights into the interactional dynamics that shape and develop an educational community of practice.Trends in applied linguistics ;2.Language and languagesStudy and teachingSecond language acquisitionStudy and teachingEnglish languageForeign countriesDiscourse analysisElectronic books.Language and languagesStudy and teaching.Second language acquisitionStudy and teaching.English languageDiscourse analysis.420.1/41Smit Ute894006MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910463775003321English as a lingua franca in higher education2466460UNINA