04863oam 22006494a 450 991046376760332120210108172550.00-8229-7951-9(CKB)2670000000567960(OCoLC)890750185(MdBmJHUP)muse33251(SSID)ssj0001266325(PQKBManifestationID)11671957(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001266325(PQKBWorkID)11248682(PQKB)11624914(MiAaPQ)EBC2041604(EXLCZ)99267000000056796020140404d2014 uy 0engur|||||||nn|ntxtrdacontentnrdamediancrdacarrierRethinking community from Peru[electronic resource] the political philosophy of José María Arguedas /Irina Alexandra FeldmanPittsburgh, Pa. :University of Pittsburgh Press,[2014]1 online resourceIlluminations : cultural formations of the AmericasBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-8229-6307-8 1-322-14869-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction: Arguedas : Rethinking Community -- Sovereignty and Authority in Todas las sangres -- Andean Community : Beyond the Limits of Death Demand -- "Why Have You Killed Me?" : Violence, Law, and Justice in Todas las sangres -- Moments of Revolutionary Transformation in Arguedean Novels."Peruvian novelist, poet, and anthropologist Jose María Arguedas (1911-1969) was a highly conflicted figure. As a mestizo, both European and Quechua blood ran through his veins and into his cosmology and writing. Arguedas's Marxist influences and ethnographic work placed him in direct contact with the subalterns he would champion in his stories. His exposes of the conflicts between Indians and creoles, and workers and elites were severely criticized by his contemporaries, who sought homogeneity in the nation-building project of Peru. In Rethinking Community from Peru, Irina Alexandra Feldman examines the deep political connotations and current relevance of Arguedas's fiction to the Andean region. Looking principally to his most ambitious and controversial work, All the Bloods, Feldman analyzes Arguedas's conceptions of community, political subjectivity, sovereignty, juridical norm, popular actions, and revolutionary change. She deconstructs his particular use of language, a mix of Quechua and Spanish, as a vehicle to express the political dualities in the Andes. As Feldman shows, Arguedas's characters become ideological speakers and the narrator's voice is often absent, allowing for multiple viewpoints and a powerful realism. Feldman examines Arguedas's other novels to augment her theorizations, and grounds her analysis in a dialogue with political philosophers Walter Benjamin, Jean-Luc Nancy, Carl Schmitt, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau, and Álvaro García-Linera, among others. In the current political climate, Feldman views the promise of Arguedas's vision in light of Evo Morales's election and the Bolivian plurality project recognizing indigenous autonomy. She juxtaposes the Bolivian situation with that of Peru, where comparatively limited progress has been made towards constitutional recognition of the indigenous groups. As Feldman demonstrates, the prophetic relevance of Arguedas's constructs lie in their recognition of the sovereignty of all ethnic groups and their coexistence in the modern democratic nation-state, in a system of heterogeneity through autonomy--not homogeneity through suppression. Tragically for Arguedas, it was a philosophy he could not reconcile with the politics of his day, or from his position within Peruvian society"--Provided by publisher.Illuminations (Pittsburgh, Pa.)Indigenous peoplesAndes RegionPolitics and governmentSovereignty in literatureCommunity life in literatureSocial conflict in literatureEthnic relations in literaturePeruvian fiction20th centuryHistory and criticismAndes RegionPolitics and governmentElectronic books.Indigenous peoplesPolitics and government.Sovereignty in literature.Community life in literature.Social conflict in literature.Ethnic relations in literaturePeruvian fictionHistory and criticism.863/.62Feldman Irina Alexandra888377MdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910463767603321Rethinking community from Peru1984632UNINA03424nam 2200397 450 991079316510332120210407215156.01-5381-1478-X(CKB)4100000006669294(MiAaPQ)EBC5507626(EXLCZ)99410000000666929420180926h20192019 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAnatomy of victory why the United States triumphed in World War II, fought to a stalemate in Korea, lost in Vietnam, and failed in Iraq /John D. CaldwellLanham :Rowman & Littlefield,[2019]©20191 online resource (569 pages)1-5381-1477-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Battle of Britain: winning by not losing -- Battle of the Atlantic: protecting the maritime lifeline -- Invasion of Russia: Hitler's strategic mistake -- Battle of El Alamein and operation torch: cracking German invincibility -- Battles of Midway and Guadalcanal: regaining initiative in the Pacific -- Strategic bombing offensive: breaking German airpower -- Invasion of Italy: deciding to fight somewhere in Europe in 1943 -- D-Day and Battle for Normandy: retaking the Continent -- Battle for the Rhine: attacking Germany's vitals -- Battle of Okinawa and the bombing of Japan: ending the war -- The strategic architectures of World War II -- Battle of the Pusan perimeter: getting the most out of a bad situation -- Inchon: Operation Chromite: MacArthur's masterstroke -- Crossing the 38th parallel and driving north to the Yalu: the risks of overreaching -- Operations Ripper and Killer: recovery and frustration -- The strategic architectures of the Korean War -- Battle of Ia Drang Valley: not fighting the decisive battle -- Bombing campaign and high-tech initiatives: Operations Rolling Thunder and Igloo White: airpower and technology indecisive -- The Pacification program (1967-1968): failing to change behavior -- The Tet Offensive (1968): strategic disaster -- Vietnamization: never a winning strategy -- The final years (1969-1975): the losing path -- The strategic architectures of the VIetnam War -- Iraqi War I, Persian Gulf War: defeating Saddam, losing politically -- Iraqi War II, 13-year air conflict: the limits of airpower -- Iraqi War III, invasion of Iraq: winning without an endgame -- Iraqi War IV, the insurgency and the surge (2007-2008): relearning counterinsurgency -- Iraqi War V, the rise of ISIS: a new, more violent enemy -- The strategic architectures of the Iraqi Wars."This groundbreaking book provides the first systematic comparison of America's modern wars, analyzing how and why the United States has moved from success to failure since WWII. As the United States enters a new period of uncertainty in the world, Caldwell makes the compelling case that leaders must think, plan, and prepare before shooting"--Provided by publisher.United StatesHistory, Military20th centuryUnited StatesHistory, Military21st century355.00973/0904Caldwell John Dean1940-1482583MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910793165103321Anatomy of victory3700297UNINA