03260oam 2200685M 450 991046369820332120200324081352.00-429-89822-30-429-47345-11-78241-237-910.4324/9780429473456(CKB)2670000000530917(EBL)1642532(SSID)ssj0001211731(PQKBManifestationID)11728329(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001211731(PQKBWorkID)11206233(PQKB)11735074(MiAaPQ)EBC1642532(Au-PeEL)EBL1642532(CaPaEBR)ebr10844253(CaONFJC)MIL578633(OCoLC)871633530(OCoLC)1051808356(OCoLC-P)1051808356(FlBoTFG)9780429473456(EXLCZ)99267000000053091720180419e20182014 my 0engur|||||||||||txtccrCultural zoo animals in the human mind and its sublimations /edited by Salman Akhtar and Vamik D. Volkan[New] edition.London :Routledge,2018.1 online resource (314 p.)This edition originally published in print: London : Karnac Books, 2014.0-367-32402-4 1-78220-166-1 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and indexes.COVER; Table of Contents; Contributors; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part I Animals and the Human Mind; CHAPTER 1 Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Bond Between Man and Animals; CHAPTER 2 Dreams of Animals; Part II Animals and the Culture at Large; CHAPTER 3 Human to Animal Transformations in Literature; CHAPTER 4 Animals in Children's Stories; CHAPTER 5 Artists and Beasts: Sacred and Sacrificed; CHAPTER 6 Animals, Music, and Psychoanalysis; CHAPTER 7 Animals and Religion; CHAPTER 8 An Annotated Visit to the Cinematic Zoo; CHAPTER 9 Immigration, National Identity, and Animals; NAME INDEXSUBJECT INDEX'This book is a major contribution to culture and to the psychoanalytic literature. The authors explore how animals, both wild and domesticated, have powerful symbolic meanings in our psyches, mythology, religion, literature, art, music, and popular culture. From the prehistoric art of Lascaux to Picasso, from The Fly to the American eagle, the psychoanalytic perceptions are subtle and suggestive, the aesthetic, film, and national insights are a delight.'-Peter Loewenberg, Dean, Southern California Psychoanalytic Institute, Professor of History and Political Psychology, UCLA'Our cousins - thePsychoanalysisHuman-animal relationshipsAnimalsPsychological aspectsElectronic books.Psychoanalysis.Human-animal relationships.AnimalsPsychological aspects.150.195Akhtar Salman1946 July 31-Volkan Vamik D.1932-OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910463698203321Cultural zoo1919694UNINA