04269oam 2200661I 450 991046328910332120200520144314.01-138-17668-01-315-84178-91-317-88691-710.4324/9781315841786 (CKB)2670000000569393(EBL)1798448(SSID)ssj0001377868(PQKBManifestationID)11768719(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001377868(PQKBWorkID)11348523(PQKB)11435222(MiAaPQ)EBC1798448(Au-PeEL)EBL1798448(CaPaEBR)ebr10944859(CaONFJC)MIL647821(OCoLC)892240131(OCoLC)897463438(EXLCZ)99267000000056939320180706e20142002 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrTwentieth-century Italy a social history /Jonathan DunnageLondon ;New York :Routledge,2014.1 online resource (284 p.)Social History of EuropeFirst published 2002 by Pearson Education Limited.0-582-29278-6 1-322-16564-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; General editor''s preface; Acknowledgements; Map; Introduction: between tradition and modernity; 1 Italian society in the wake of the Risorgimento, 1860-1914; The difficult unification of the Italians; The economic unification of Italy; The ''Southern question''; Familism, clientelism and the Mafia; The development of the working-class movement and mass politics; State control in Liberal Italy: repression, welfare and education; Marriage, demographic strategies and the status of women; Conclusion2 Social fragmentation and violence in Italy, 1915-25The intervention crisis; Mobilization for war: life at home and at the Front; Economic crisis and worker militancy, 1918-20; The Fascist movement; The road to dictatorship, 1922-26; Conclusion; 3 The experience of Fascism, 1925-39; The quality of life of the Italians under Fascism; Repression and consensus-building: the ''Fascistization'' of the Italians; Conclusion; 4 War, civil conflict and the defeat of Fascism, 1940-50; The ''Fascist'' war, 1940-43; The Armistice and the founding of the Italian Social Republic; The partisan ResistanceViolence and conflict in the post-war communityThe legacy of Fascism, institutional continuity and democratic renewal; Between tradition and renewal: the effects of war and the Resistance on Italian society; Conclusion; 5 Social, cultural and economic transformation in post-war Italy (1950-80); Italian society and the economic boom; Protest and violence, 1960-85; Conclusion; 6 Affluence and moral crisis: Italian society in the eighties and nineties; The Italian quality of life on the eve of the twenty-first century; The public morality crisis and the collapse of the ''First Republic''ConclusionConclusion: Italian society at the dawn of the twenty-first century; Appendix I: Chronology; Appendix II: Glossary; Select bibliography; IndexFollowing a historically chronological approach, and with a clear focus on the marked regional diversity characterising Italy, this volume analyses the impact of social, economic, cultural and political transformation on the lives of Italians. It assesses their living standards, their health and education, their working conditions and their leisure activities. The final part of the book examines contemporary Italian society in the light of the political and moral crisis of the early 1990s.Social history of Europe.Social historyItalyHistory20th centuryItalySocial conditions20th centuryElectronic books.Social history.945/.091Dunnage Jonathan1963-,688885FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910463289103321Twentieth-century Italy2205314UNINA