05135nam 2200601 450 991046327820332120200806020940.01-118-42166-3(CKB)2670000000569494(EBL)1798775(SSID)ssj0001375635(PQKBManifestationID)11783666(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001375635(PQKBWorkID)11355120(PQKB)11375964(MiAaPQ)EBC1798775(JP-MeL)3000030538(EXLCZ)99267000000056949420141010h20152015 uy 0engtxtccrJavafx for dummies /by Doug LoweHoboken, New Jersey :John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,2015.©20151 online resource (436 p.)For DummiesDescription based upon print version of record.1-118-38534-9 1-322-16665-X Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; About This Book; Foolish Assumptions; How This Book Is Organized; Part I: Getting Started with JavaFX; Part II: JavaFX Controls; Part III: Enhancing Your Scenic Design; Part IV: Making Your Programs Come Alive; Part V: The Part of Tens; Icons Used in This Book; Beyond the Book; Where to Go from Here; Part I: Getting Started with JavaFX; Chapter 1: Hello, JavaFX!; What Is JavaFX?; Perusing the Possibilities of JavaFX; Looking at a Simple JavaFX Program; Downloading and Installing JavaFX; Downloading JDK 8; Installing JDK 8Setting the path Developing the Click Me Program with Notepad; Developing the Click Me Program with TextPad; Using an IDE to Create the Click Me Program; Chapter 2: Looking Closer at JavaFX Programming; Looking Again at the Click Me Program; Importing JavaFX Packages; Extending the Application Class; Launching the Application; Overriding the start Method; Creating a Button; Handling an Action Event; Creating a Layout Pane; Making a Scene; Setting the Stage; Examining the Click Counter Program; Chapter 3: Handling Events; Examining Events; Handling EventsImplementing the EventHandler Interface Handling Events with Inner Classes; Handling Events with Anonymous Inner Classes; Using Lambda Expressions to Handle Events; Chapter 4: Setting the Stage and Scene Layout; Examining the Stage Class; Examining the Scene Class; Switching Scenes; Creating a Dialog Box; Creating a Confirmation Box; Exit, Stage Right; Creating a Close button; Handling the CloseRequest event; Putting it all together; Chapter 5: Using Layout Panes to Arrange Your Scenes; Working with Layout Panes; Introducing four JavaFX layout panes; Creating layout panesCombining layout panes Using the HBox Layout; Spacing Things Out; Adding Space with Margins; Adding Space by Growing Nodes; Using the VBox Layout; Aligning Nodes in a Layout Pane; Making Nodes the Same Width; Using the Flow Layout; Using the Border Layout; Chapter 6: Getting Input from the User; Using Text Fields; Validating Numeric Data; Using Check Boxes; Using Radio Buttons; Looking at a Pizza Order Application; Part II: JavaFX Controls; Chapter 7: Introducing the JavaFX Node Hierarchy; An Overview of JavaFX Packages; The Node Class; The Parent Class; The Region Class; The Control ClassChapter 8: Choosing from a List Using Choice Boxes; Creating a choice box; Setting a default value; Getting the selected item; Working with Observable Lists; Listening for Selection Changes; Using Combo Boxes; Creating combo boxes; Getting the selected item; Handling combo box events; Using List Views; Creating a list view; Getting the selected items; Using Tree Views; Building a tree; Creating a TreeView control; Getting the selected node; Looking at a complete program that uses a tree view; Chapter 9: Working with Tables; Creating the Data for a Table; Creating a Read-Only TableUsing the TableColumn classUnleash the power of JavaFX for a wide range of devices JavaFX For Dummies gives you access to an innovative software platform that allows you to create and deliver rich Internet applications that can run across a wide variety of connected devices. This accessible book highlights the most important features of this powerful graphics platform, giving you the tools to understand it quickly and easily! No experience with JavaFX? No problem. JavaFX For Dummies has been written especially for newbies and it also serves as a great reference resource for more experienced Java developers.--For dummies.Java (Computer program language)Graphical user interfaces (Computer systems)Electronic books.Java (Computer program language)Graphical user interfaces (Computer systems)005.13/3Lowe Doug222840MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910463278203321Javafx for dummies2276875UNINA