04596oam 2200709I 450 991046313230332120200520144314.00-203-08375-X1-283-86106-21-136-18721-910.4324/9780203083758 (CKB)2670000000299226(EBL)1092664(OCoLC)820787630(SSID)ssj0000784954(PQKBManifestationID)12353108(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000784954(PQKBWorkID)10794632(PQKB)11393139(MiAaPQ)EBC1092664(Au-PeEL)EBL1092664(CaPaEBR)ebr10632495(CaONFJC)MIL417356(OCoLC)820630816(EXLCZ)99267000000029922620180706d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrIranian-Russian encounters empires and revolutions since 1800 /edited by Stephanie CroninMilton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ;New York, N.Y. :Routledge,2013.1 online resource (433 p.)Iranian studies ;14"Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada"--T.p. verso.1-138-83226-X 0-415-62433-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction: Empires and Revolutions : Iranian-Russian Encounters since 1800 / Stephanie Cronin -- The Impact of Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union on Qajar and Pahlavi Iran : Notes toward a Revisionist Historiography / Afshin Matin-asghari -- Part One. Romanovs and Qajars -- The early Qajars and the Russian Wars / Maziar Behrooz -- Khosrow Mirza's mission to Saint Petersburg in 1829 / Firuza Abdullaeva -- Russian Land Acquisition in Iran : 1828 to 1911 / Morteza Nourai and Vanessa Martin -- How Russia hosted the entrepreneur who gave them indigestion : New revelations on Hajj Kazem Malek al-Tujjar / Fatema Soudavar -- Deserters, Converts, Cossacks and Revolutionaries : Russians in Iranian Military Service, 1800-1920 / Stephanie Cronin -- Part Two. Revolutionary Russia and Iran; Revolutionary Iran and Russia -- The Question of the Iranian Ijtima'iyun-e 'Amiyun Party / Sohrab Yazdani -- Georgian Sources on the Iranian Constitutional Revolution (1905-1911) : Sergo Gamdlishvili's Memoirs of the Gilan Resistance / Iago Gocheleishvili -- Constitutionalists and Cossacks : the Constitutional Movement and Russian Intervention in Tabriz, 1907-1911 / James Clark -- Part Three. Pahlavi Iran and the Soviet Union -- Duping the British and outwitting the Russians : Iran's foreign policy, the "Bolshevik threat," and the genesis of the Soviet-Iranian Treaty of 1921 / Oliver Bast -- The Comintern, the Soviet Union and Working Class Militancy in Interwar Iran / Touraj Atabaki -- An Iranian-Russian Cinematic Encounter / Emily Jane O'Dell -- The Impact of Soviet Contact on Iranian Theatre : Abdolhossein Nushin and the Tudeh Party / Saeed Talajooy -- Part Four. The Islamic Republic and post-Soviet Russia -- Iran, Russia and Tajikistan's Civil War / Muriel Atkin -- Iran and Russia : a Tactical Entente / Clément Therme.Over the past two hundred years, encounters between Iran and Russia have been both rich and complex. This book explores the myriad dimensions of the Iranian-Russian encounter during a dramatic period which saw both Iran and Russia subject to revolutionary upheavals and transformed from multinational dynastic empires typical of the nineteenth century to modernizing, authoritarian states typical of the twentieth. The collection provides a fresh perspective on traditional preoccupations of international relations: wars and diplomacy, the hostility of opposing nationalisms, the RuIranian studies (London, England) ;14.ImperialismHistoryRevolutionsHistoryIranRelationsRussiaIranRelationsSoviet UnionIranRelationsRussia (Federation)RussiaRelationsIranSoviet UnionRelationsIranRussia (Federation)RelationsIranElectronic books.ImperialismHistory.RevolutionsHistory.327.55047Cronin Stephanie643185MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910463132303321Iranian-Russian encounters2251166UNINA00988nam0 22002651i 450 VAN004725820180724094039.16788-435-4089-020060706d1992 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||De Chirico[testi di Virginia Bertone]MilanoElectac199263 p.ill.23 cm.001VAN00172432001 Pockets Electa210 MilanoElecta.MilanoVANL000284BertoneVirginiaVANV037529726945Electa <editore>VANV113606650ITSOL20230915RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALEIT-CE0107VAN01VAN0047258BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE01CONS IAb11(3) 01 436 20060920 De Chirico1422053UNICAMPANIA