04869nam 2200709Ia 450 991046298490332120211030005510.01-283-85724-33-11-029123-110.1515/9783110291230(CKB)2670000000309320(EBL)893436(OCoLC)821020905(SSID)ssj0000784723(PQKBManifestationID)12336374(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000784723(PQKBWorkID)10764036(PQKB)11117219(MiAaPQ)EBC893436(DE-B1597)177376(OCoLC)816479724(OCoLC)822229730(DE-B1597)9783110291230(Au-PeEL)EBL893436(CaPaEBR)ebr10634584(CaONFJC)MIL416974(EXLCZ)99267000000030932020121017d2012 uy 0engurnn#---|u|||txtccrBlending and the study of narrative[electronic resource] approaches and applications /edited by Ralf Schneider, Marcus HartnerBerlin ;Boston De Gruyterc20121 online resource (376 p.)Narratologia. Contributions to narrative theory ;34Description based upon print version of record.3-11-029112-6 Includes bibliographical references.Front matter --Acknowledgements --Table of Contents --Blending and the Study of Narrative: An Introduction /SCHNEIDER, RALF --Narrative Time, Sequence, and Memory: A Blending Analysis /DANCYGIER, BARBARA --Attention, Blending, and Suspense in Classic and Experimental Film /OAKLEY, TODD / TOBIN, VERA --Constructing Literary Character and Perspective: An Approach from Psychology and Blending Theory /HARTNER, MARCUS --Fleshing Out the Blend: The Representation of Counterfactuals in Alternate History in Print, Film, and Television Narratives /DANNENBERG, HILARY --Blending in a baciyelmo: Don Quixote's Genre Blending and the Invention of the Novel /SINDING, MICHAEL --The Conceptual Integration Network of Metalepsis /FEYERSINGER, ERWIN --The Conceptual Integration of Intermediality: Literary and Cinematic Camera-Eye Narratives /QUENDLER, CHRISTIAN --Metaphors, Narrative Frames, and Cognitive Distance in Charles Chesnutt's "Dave's Neckliss" /HARDING, JENNIFER RIDDLE --Conceptual Blending in The Waves: "A Mind Thinking" /COPLAND, SARAH --Blending and Jazz Narratives: Conceptual Integration of Music and Verbal Meaning in Eudora Welty's "Powerhouse" /REDLING, ERIK --"Allways our rush returning renewed": Time, Narrative, and Conceptual Blending in Danielewski's Only Revolutions /KILGORE, CHRISTOPHER D. --The Conceptual Blending of Time and Space: Milan Kundera's Slowness /HAMILTON, CRAIG --The Narrative of Nothing: The Mathematical Blends of Narrator and Hero in Shakespeare's Henry V /COOK, AMYThe theory of Blending, or Conceptual Integration, proposed by Gilles Fauconnier and Marc Turner, is one of most promising cognitive theories of meaning production. It has been successfully applied to the analysis of poetic discourse and micro-textual elements, such as metaphor. Prose narrative has so far received significantly less attention. The present volume aims to remedy this situation. Following an introductory discussion of the connections between narrative and the processes of blending, the contributions demonstrate the range of applications of the theory to the study of narrative. They cover issues such as time and space, literary character and perspective, genre, story levels, and fictional minds; some chapters show how such phenomena as metalepsis, counterfactual narration, intermediality, extended metaphors, and suspense can be fruitfully studied from the vantage point of Conceptual Integration. Working within a theoretical framework situated at the intersection of narratology and the cognitive sciences, the book provides both fresh readings for individual literary and film narratives and new impulses for post-classical narratology.Narratologia ;34.Discourse analysis, NarrativeNarration (Rhetoric)ConceptsThought and thinkingElectronic books.Discourse analysis, Narrative.Narration (Rhetoric)Concepts.Thought and thinking.808/.036Schneider Ralf1966-1032614Hartner Marcus1032615MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910462984903321Blending and the study of narrative2450583UNINA04098 am 2200913 n 450 991049591210332120201002979-1-03-510482-510.4000/books.psorbonne.60147(CKB)5590000000434303(FrMaCLE)OB-psorbonne-60147(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/85764(PPN)267970749(EXLCZ)99559000000043430320210203j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDes communistes en France (années 1920-années 1960) /Jacques GiraultParis Éditions de la Sorbonne20201 online resource (530 p.) Histoire de la France aux XIXe et XXe siècles2-85944-446-7 La problématique générale de l’implantation sert de point de départ et permet une réflexion sur le phénomène communiste. Pour comprendre la nature des mutations qui traversent le communisme français, un des modèles possibles parmi les communismes mondiaux, il faut établir des liens forts entre le milieu, les idéologies, les phénomènes culturels, les systèmes politiques, les individus, les impulsions nationales et internationales. Autant de composantes qu’il faut analyser dans leur globalité en dégageant les rapports entre les groupes sociaux dans des cadres précis, les projets politiques, les influences réciproques. Un ensemble de points forts apparaissent: les contraintes d’un héritage, les luttes plus englobantes, les effets des pratiques locales, le ter­ritoire social comme enjeu politique, les questions nouvelles posées par l’inscription nationale dans un cadre fortement internationalisé, le rôle de l’en­treprise, le groupe enseignant. Les valeurs communistes occupent une position variable et laissent la place pour d’autres orientations car le communisme ne fonctionne jamais en vase clos.HistorycommunismeParti communiste françaismouvement ouvrierphénomène culturelprojet politiquerelation internationalecommunismeParti communiste françaismouvement ouvrierphénomène culturelprojet politiquerelation internationaleHistorycommunismeParti communiste françaismouvement ouvrierphénomène culturelprojet politiquerelation internationaleBellanger Emmanuel1292691Belouet Éric1283659Buton Philippe1283660Carrè-Prèzeau Jocelyne1321019Chouat-Hugonnet Nicole1321020Destom Catherine1321021Dupuy Catherine1321022Fraboulet Danièle1235970Gatignon Stéphane1321023Girault Jacques1290935Groppo Bruno525512Guillot Pascal1321024Hirsch Robert1306190Kssis Nicolas1296792Lalouette Jacqueline1286147Le Bars Loïc1321025Mencherini Robert1239421Pennetier Claude1303796Perron Tangui1321026Pigenet Michel251208Saule Sandrine1321027Scot Jean-Paul1321028Skoutelsky Rémi1295816Sowerwine Charles1321029Tsikounas Myriam1286950Vallat Colette131047Zaidman Sylvie1306194Girault Jacques1290935FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495912103321Des communistes en France3034496UNINA