05982nam 2200637 a 450 991046271470332120200520144314.01-84217-881-41-299-48526-X(CKB)2670000000342273(EBL)1165946(SSID)ssj0000855751(PQKBManifestationID)12431120(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000855751(PQKBWorkID)10804849(PQKB)10832498(MiAaPQ)EBC1165946(Au-PeEL)EBL1165946(CaPaEBR)ebr10695224(CaONFJC)MIL479776(OCoLC)839388962(EXLCZ)99267000000034227320100902d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAnthropological approaches to zooarchaeology[electronic resource] complexity, colonialism, and animal transformations /edited by D. Campana ... [et al.]Oxford, U.K. Oxbow Books ;Oakville, Conn. David Brown Book Co.c20101 online resource (289 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-84217-390-1 Includes bibliographical references.Animals and complexity : how zooarchaeologists contribute to the study of complex society in the New and Old Worlds / Justin Lev-Tov and Susan D. deFrance -- A bird's eye view of ritual at the Cahokia Site / Lucretia S. Kelly -- The organization of animal production in an early urban center : the zooarchaeological evidence from early Bronze Age Titriş Höyük, southeastern Turkey / Adam Allentuck and Haskel J. Greenfield -- Animal-derived artefacts at two pre-Columbian sites in the ancient savannas of central Panama : an update on their relevance to studies of social hierarchy and cultural attitudes towards animals / Richard Cooke and Máximo Jiménez -- Body parts, placements and people in an Iron Age town in Bulgaria / Sue Stallibrass -- Status and diet at the workers' town, Giza, Egypt / Richard Redding -- Chiefly fare or who's feeding the cacique? : equality in animal use at the Tibes ceremonial center, Puerto Rico / Susan D. deFrance -- A plebeian perspective on empire economies : faunal remains from Tel Miqne-Ekron, Israel / Justin Lev-Tov -- Continuity and change in faunal consumption patterns at the pre-Inka and Inka site of Yoroma, Bolivia / Jose M. Capriles, Alejandra I. Domic, and Sonia Alconini -- Living on the frontier : "Scythian" and "Celtic" animal exploitation in Iron Age northeastern Hungary / László Bartosiewicz and Erika Gál -- Archaeozoology and colonialism : an introduction / Douglas V. Campana --Craving for hunger: a zooarchaeological study at the the edge of the Spanish empire / Mariana E. De Nigris, Paula S. Palombo, and María X. Senatore -- Zooarchaeology in the Spanish borderlands of the American Southwest : challenges and opportunities / Diane Gifford-Gonzalez -- Animal husbandry at Pimería Alta missions : el ganado en el sudoeste de Norteamérica / Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman -- The adoption and use of domestic animals at Zuni / Carmen Tarcan and Jonathan Driver -- "Romanizing" ancient Carthage : evidence from zooarchaeological remains / Michael MacKinnon -- Animal keeping and Roman colonization in the province of Pannonia Inferior, western Hungary / Kyra Lyublyanovics -- Zooarchaeology and colonialism in Roman Britain : evidence from Icklingham / Pam J. Crabtree -- The bone is the beast : animal amulets and ornaments in power and magic / Alice Choyke -- Skeletal manipulations of dogs at the Bronze Age site of Százhalombatta-Földvár in Hungary / Maria Vretemark and Sabine Sten -- Bovid skulls in southeastern European Neolithic dwellings : the case of the subterranean circular room at Promachon-Topolniča in the Strymon Valley, Greece / Katerina Trantalidou -- Symbolism of sharks for fishing-gatherer groups from the Sao Paulo coast, Brazil / Manoel M.B. Gonzalez -- Tupilak transformations : traditional ivory objects as modern souvenirs / Bonnie C. Yates and Margaret E. Sims -- The birds and animals in ancient Armenian art / Ninna Manaseryan -- The transformations of the quetzal bird / Carmen Aguilera -- Pets in pots : superstitious belief in a medieval Christian (12th-14th century) village in Hungary / Márta Daróczi-Szabó -- "Left" is "right" : the symbolism behind side choice among ancient animal sacrifices / Michael MacKinnon -- The composition and interpretation of associated bone groups from Wessex / James Morris -- Making themselves at home : the archaeology of commensal vertebrates / Terry O'Connor.Animals in complex human societies are often both meal and symbol, related to everyday practice and ritual. People in such societies may be characterized as having unequal access to such resources, or else the meaning of animals may differ for component groups. Here, in this book, 28 peer-reviewed papers that span 4 continents and the Caribbean islands explore in different ways how animals were incorporated into the diets and religions of many unique societies. The temporal range is from the Neolithic to the Spanish colonization of the New World as well as to modern tourist trade in indigenousAnimal remains (Archaeology)Social archaeologyHuman-animal relationshipsColoniesRites and ceremoniesElectronic books.Animal remains (Archaeology)Social archaeology.Human-animal relationships.Colonies.Rites and ceremonies.930.1Campana Douglas V958880MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910462714703321Anthropological approaches to zooarchaeology2172543UNINA