05446nam 2200685Ia 450 991046271450332120200520144314.01-283-94903-20-8213-9600-5(CKB)2670000000315613(EBL)1109728(OCoLC)824117997(SSID)ssj0000803585(PQKBManifestationID)12343494(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000803585(PQKBWorkID)10811500(PQKB)10493369(MiAaPQ)EBC1109728(Au-PeEL)EBL1109728(CaPaEBR)ebr10641947(CaONFJC)MIL426153(EXLCZ)99267000000031561320120723d2013 uf 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrThe health sector in Ghana[electronic resource] a comprehensive assessment /by Karima SalehWashington, D.C. World Bankc20131 online resource (241 p.)Directions in development. Human developmentDescription based upon print version of record.0-8213-9599-8 Includes bibliographical references.Cover; Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; About the Author; Abbreviations; Overview; What Are Ghana's Health, Nutrition, and Population Challenges as It Continues Its Transition to Universal Health Insurance Coverage?; What Are Some Health System Challenges?; Figures; O.1 Ghana, Causes of Death, 2008 Estimates; O.2 Number of Health Workers in Ghana Compared with Other Countries with Similar Incomes and Health Spending Levels, 2009; How Is Ghana Faring in the Use of Public Resources for Health?O.3 Average Public Sector Procured Prices Compared with International Reference Pricing, 1993-2008 O.4 Per Capita Health Spending Compared with Countries with Similar Incomes, 2009; O.5 Total Health Spending Shares, 1995-2009; What Are the Population's Health Outcomes and Access to and Use of Services?; O.6 Global Comparisons of Mortality Rates Relative to Income and Spending, 2009; O.7 Regional and Income Differentials in Institutional Deliveries, 2008; O.8 Income Differences in Households with Children under Age Five with a Fever and Seeking Care, 2008Is the Population Financially Protected against Illness?O.9 NHIS Coverage by Gender and Income Quintile for Adults (Ages 15-49), 2008; What Are the Next Steps for Ghana?; O.10 Household Spending on Health by Consumption Quintile, 2005-06; References; Chapter 1 Background and Objectives; Background; 1.1 Ghana: Real GDP Growth Rate, 1989-2015; Tables; 1.1 Trends in Ghana's Macroeconomic and Fiscal Performance, 2008-10; Population Dynamics and Demographic Changes; 1.2 Ghana: Population Distribution, 1984, 2000, and 2010; 1.2 Ghana: Demographic Trend and Future Projections, 1990-2050Epidemiological Changes 1.3 Ghana: Changing Age Structure of the Population; 1.3 Estimated Dependency Ratio between 2010 and 2030; Labor Market Situation; 1.4 Distribution of Years of Life Lost by Causes, 2008; 1.5 Causes of Death, 2008 Estimates; Overview of Ghana's Health System; Cross-Cutting Areas of Reform; 1.4 Mapping Out Decision Space for Ghana's Districts Regarding Health; The Book; Notes; References; Chapter 2 Health Delivery System; Key Messages; Health Infrastructure and Other Capital Investments; 2.1 Types of Ownership of Health Facilities and Health Care Providers, 20092.2 Regional Distribution of Health Facilities, 20082.1 Hospital-Beds-to-Population Ratios Relative to Total Health Spending and Income, 2009; Boxes; 2.1 Options Available to Address Shortage and Inequity in Distribution of Health Facilities; 2.2 Facilities with Access to Obstetric Care-Related Equipment, 2010; 2.3 Facilities with Access to Filled Oxygen Cylinders, 2010; 2.4 Limited Obstetric Services Offered in Health Facilities Due to Limited Access to Equipment, Drugs, or Supplies, 2010; 2.5 Access to Transport at Health Facilities, 2010; Human Resources for Health2.6 Health-Workers-to-Population Ratios Relative to Total Health Spending and Incomes, 2009Ghana's demographic profile is changing, and demographic, epidemiological, and nutrition transitions are well underway. However, several of Ghana's health outcome performances, especially in terms of child health and maternal health, are worse than the levels found in other comparable lower middle income and health spending countries. The volume is timely, given the stage of the Ghana's development. It briefly discusses some of the debates in Ghana's health sector: decentralization and governance, private sector partnership, strengthening health systems, and health financing. It brings togetherDirections in development (Washington, D.C.).Human development.Medical careGhanaMedical policyGhanaPublic healthGhanaGhanaStatistics, MedicalElectronic books.Medical careMedical policyPublic health614.4209667Saleh Karima953693MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910462714503321The health sector in Ghana2446849UNINA