01022nam0 2200289 450 00003346020201124152916.0978-88-568-3843-520201121d2011----km-y0itay50------baitaITy-------001yySistemi di gestione dell'energiala norma EN 16001: efficienza e risparmio en ergetico per competereStefano Farnéprefazione di Giacomo EliasMilanoFranco Angelic2011298 p23 cmEconomia & management632001Economia & managementSistemi di gestione dell'energia1761628AziendeRisparmio energetico658.2622Gestione degli impianti industriali. ServiziFarné,Stefano609762Elias,GiacomoITUNIPARTHENOPE20201120RICAUNIMARC000033460658-S/9648041NAVA12020Sistemi di gestione dell'energia1761628UNIPARTHENOPE05138oam 2200697I 450 991046259060332120200520144314.01-135-93714-10-203-54488-910.4324/9780203544884 (CKB)2670000000357886(EBL)1186470(SSID)ssj0000910478(PQKBManifestationID)12395598(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000910478(PQKBWorkID)10931874(PQKB)10670881(MiAaPQ)EBC1186470(Au-PeEL)EBL1186470(CaPaEBR)ebr10699373(CaONFJC)MIL487124(OCoLC)843642672(OCoLC)860570631(EXLCZ)99267000000035788620180706e20131988 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrManaging organizational change human factors and automation /Fred FallikAbingdon, Oxon :Routledge,2013.1 online resource (349 p.)Routledge Library Editions: Organizations: Theory & Behaviour ;Volume 14First published in 1988 by Taylor & Francis.1-138-99557-6 0-415-82326-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Title Page; Original Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Dedication; Preface; Disclaimer; Acknowledgements; Section I. Background; Chapter 1. Automation, Beliefs and Values; 1.Management Beliefs and Values; 2.Employee Beliefs and Values; 3.Behavioral Science as a Tool of Management; 4.Models of Technology and Human Factors; 5.Patterns in the Implementation of Automation; Chapter 2. Background to Automation; 1.The Internal Revenue Service; 2.The Collection Division; 3.The Impetus for Automation; Chapter 3. The Politics of AutomationChapter 4. The Human Resources Technology Staff1.History and Functions; 2.Measuring the Impact of Automation; Section II. Automation Implementation; Chapter 5. The Automated Collection System; 1.Introduction; 2.The Technology of Automation; 3.The Organization of the ACS; 4.The Management Structure of the ACS; 5.The Work Structure of the ACS; 6.The Transition from COF to ACS; Chapter 6. Personnel Recruitment and Retention; 1.Background; 2.Research Methodology; 3.Data Analysis Procedures; 4.Results: Summary Statistics; 5.Results: Relationships Among Items; 6.Study Summary7.Recommendations on Recruitment and Staff TurnoverChapter 7. Human Factors; 1.Ergonomie Considerations; 2.The Workstation Environment; 3.Changes in Job Satisfaction; Chapter 8. Training; 1.Background; 2.The ACS Training Plan; 3.Training Functions and Objectives; Chapter 9. Team Building and Resources; 1.Background to the Focused Group Interview; 2.Focused Group Interview Procedures; 3.Applying the Focused Group Interview Technique; Chapter 10. Organization and Management; Section III. Lessons Learned; Chapter 11. Automation and Leadership; 1.The Role of the Supervisor2.General Considerations for Managing3.Managing in an Automated Environment; 4.Performance Characteristics; 5.Organizational Culture and Management; 6.Conclusions; Chapter 12. Motivation and Productivity; 1.Background; 2.The Structure of Employee Participation; 3.The Degree of Participation; 4.The Process of Participation: Why it Works; 5.Some Organizational Programs to Improve Motivation and Satisfaction; 6.Summary and Conclusions; Chapter 13. Looking Back: Summary and Recommendations; 1.Success Factors in Retrospect; 2.Lessons Learned in Retrospect; Appendix 1Human Factors in Automation: Recommendations By the Human Resources Technology StaffAppendix 2; "What's Your Opinion?" Attitude Survey; Appendix 3; Recruitment/Retention Instruments; References; Additional Resources; IndexThe United States Internal Revenue Service introduced a multi-million dollar program to automate its operations in the early 1980s. This book describes a multidisciplinary study of the experiences of several thousand users in this program, based primarily on questionnaires, observation and interviews. The case study gives valuable guidance to managers and their consultants involved in planning introduction of new office technology, as well as providing more academic insights into aspects of human behaviour under changing working conditions. Routledge Library Editions: OrganizationsAutomationHuman factorsOrganizational changeManagementCase studiesPsychology, IndustrialCase studiesElectronic books.AutomationHuman factors.Organizational changeManagementPsychology, Industrial352.44Fallik Fred.934689MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910462590603321Managing organizational change2104810UNINA