02923nam 2200649 a 450 991046234980332120200520144314.00-85709-571-4(CKB)2670000000233322(EBL)1584619(OCoLC)867318159(SSID)ssj0000815478(PQKBManifestationID)12356976(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000815478(PQKBWorkID)10807989(PQKB)10410675(MiAaPQ)EBC1584619(Au-PeEL)EBL1584619(CaPaEBR)ebr10641475(CaONFJC)MIL550194(EXLCZ)99267000000023332220120412d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdvances in meat, poultry and seafood packaging[electronic resource] /edited by J.P. KerryCambridge Woodhead Pub.20121 online resource (710 p.)Woodhead publishing series in food science, technology and nutrition,2042-8049 ;no. 220Description based upon print version of record.1-84569-751-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.pt. 1. Safety and quality of packaged meat, poultry and seafood -- pt. 2. Developments in vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging of meat, poultry and seafood -- pt. 3. Other packaging methods for meat, poultry and seafood products -- pt. 4. Emerging packaging techniques and labelling.Packaging plays an essential role in limiting undesired microbial growth and sensory deterioration. Advances in meat, poultry and seafood packaging provides a comprehensive review of both current and emerging technologies for the effective packaging of muscle foods.Part one provides a comprehensive overview of key issues concerning the safety and quality of packaged meat, poultry and seafood. Part two goes on to investigate developments in vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging for both fresh and processed muscle foods, including advances in bulk packaging and soluble carbon dioxide Woodhead Publishing in food science, technology, and nutrition ;no. 220.MeatPackagingPoultryPackagingSeafoodPackagingFood packaging machinery industryPackage goods industryElectronic books.MeatPackaging.PoultryPackaging.SeafoodPackaging.Food packaging machinery industry.Package goods industry.664.06Kerry J. P926972MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910462349803321Advances in meat, poultry and seafood packaging2082527UNINA