02366nam 22005893u 450 991046223290332120220127143359.0(CKB)2670000000234495(EBL)909606(OCoLC)818857221(SSID)ssj0000750434(PQKBManifestationID)12306106(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000750434(PQKBWorkID)10749661(PQKB)11659996(MiAaPQ)EBC909606(EXLCZ)99267000000023449520130617d2012|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrBlade Runner[electronic resource] /Matt HillsNew York Columbia University Press20121 online resource (137 p.)CultographiesDescription based upon print version of record.1-906660-33-6 CONTENTS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; 1 MULTIPLES AND MEMORIES; 2 TELLING THE CULT DIFFERENCE?; 3 AUTHENTICITIES AND ANXIETIES; 9 DIFFERENT CULTS?; BIBLIOGRAPHY; INDEXMore than just a box office flop that resurrected itself in the midnight movie circuit, Blade Runner (1982) achieved extraordinary cult status through video, laserdisc, and a five-disc DVD collector's set. Blade Runner has become a network of variant texts and fan speculations; a franchise created around just one film. Some have dubbed the movie ""classroom cult"" for its participation in academic debates, while others have termed it ""meta-cult,"" in line with the work of Umberto Eco. The film has also been called ""design cult,"" thanks to Ridley Scott's brilliant creationCultographiesMotion picture producersMotion pictures -- HistoryMotion picturesMusic, Dance, Drama & FilmHILCCFilmHILCCElectronic books.Motion picture producers.Motion pictures -- History.Motion pictures.Music, Dance, Drama & FilmFilm791.4372Hills Matt882477AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910462232903321Blade Runner1971034UNINA