05309nam 2200637 a 450 991046184710332120200520144314.066135563781-280-37846-897866135563701-60750-742-0(CKB)2670000000174686(EBL)888732(OCoLC)785397872(SSID)ssj0000654445(PQKBManifestationID)12328451(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000654445(PQKBWorkID)10662751(PQKB)11302606(MiAaPQ)EBC888732(Au-PeEL)EBL888732(CaPaEBR)ebr10551721(CaONFJC)MIL355637(EXLCZ)99267000000017468620110420d2011 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrAtomic and molecular nonlinear optics[electronic resource] theory, experiment and computation : a homage to the pioneering work of Stanisław Kielich (1925-1993) /edited by George Maroulis ... [et al.]Amsterdam ;Washington, D.C. IOS Pressc20111 online resource (544 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-60750-741-2 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Title Page; About the Editors; Contents; Memories to Stanislaw Kielich: My Teacher, My Mentor and My Friend; Stanislaw Kielich - A Personal Memoir; My Memories of Stanislaw Kielich; To the Memory of Stanislas Kielich; Working with Professor Stanislaw Kielich; On the Quantization of the Potential Amplitude in the Schrodinger Equation; Irreducible Spherical Representation of some Fourth-Rank Tensors; Theoretical Study of the Electronic Structure of the Alkaline Earth BeLi2+ ion; Exploring NLO Response of 9,10-Donor-Acceptor Substituted Bichromophoric Anthracene DerivativesAsymptotic Model of Exchange Interactions for Polarizability Calculation of van der Waals Complexes Anomalous Diffusion in Dielectric Relaxation of Polyelectrolytes; Isophlorin Derivatives: Structures and Materials for n-Channel Organic Semiconductors; Enhanced First Hyperpolarizability of Donor-Acceptor Diethynylsilane Oligomers; Sum Frequency Generation in Chiral Carbon Nanotubes; Gaussian Basis Sets for Ab Initio Calculation of NLO Properties of Polyatomic Molecules; Quadrupole Polarizabilities of the Rare-Gas Homonuclear Diatoms and Methane MoleculesSudden Birth and Sudden Death of Entanglement Two-photon-Excitation Fluorescence Depolarization in Solutions and Nano-Scale-Organized (Macro)Molecular Media: Application of the Wide-Angular Detection-Aperture Technique; Molecular Dynamics Calculation of Infra-Red Spectra of Ultra-Dispersed Atmospheric Moisture; Linear Dielectric Relaxation of Dipolar, Rigid, Non-Interacting and Asymmetric-Top Molecules in Smoluchowski-Debye Approach; Intermolecular Covalent Interaction: 20-Center-2-Electron Covalent pi/pi Bonding in Tetrathiafulvalene Radical-Cation Dimer TTF.+-TTF.+The Anisotropic Polarizability of Pairs of Hydrogen Molecules and the Depolarized Collision-Induced Roto-Translational Raman Light Scattering Spectra Stimulated Thermal Scattering Induced by Two-Photon Absorption and Experimental Observation of Genuine Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in the Near-Ultraviolet Region; Modulation of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering and Stimulated Temperature Scattering Spectral Components by two-Photon Heating; Exciting Field Phase Effect on the Entanglement Death and Birth Phenomena for Nonlinear Coupler SystemTemperature Effect on the Optical Spectra of Iron (III) Metal Complexes Exhibiting Spin Crossover and Potential Nonlinear Optical Properties Dynamics of Collapse of Optical Pulses in Kerr Medium; Elongation-CIS Method: Describing Excited States of Large Molecular Systems in Regionally Localized Molecular Orbital Basis; On Magnet c Field of Ring Current; Nonlinear Optical Properties of Solvated Molecules; Paradoxes of Measures of Quantum Entanglement and Bell's Inequality Violation in Two-Qubit SystemsComparative Study between ONIOM, Ab Initio and DFT Methods, Application: alpha and beta L-FucopyranoseThe papers collected in this volume in honor of the late Stanislaw Kielich cover an impressive range of modern subjects in molecular science. These subjects include, among others, the nonlinear optics of molecules, new approaches to the electronic structure of large molecules, the properties of carbon nanotubes, fluorescence polarization spectroscopy, computational studies of systems of fundamental interest to collision-induced spectroscopy, the simulation of fluids, NLO materials, chemical bonding in complex molecules, the NLO properties of functionalized DNA and the magnetic properties of moNonlinear opticsElectronic books.Nonlinear optics.539.12541.224Maroulis George965469MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910461847103321Atomic and molecular nonlinear optics2190431UNINA02590nam 2200613 450 991079822530332120170919162637.01-4985-2148-7(CKB)3710000000635421(EBL)4503272(SSID)ssj0001639642(PQKBManifestationID)16398491(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001639642(PQKBWorkID)14884007(PQKB)10079587(PQKBManifestationID)16293159(PQKBWorkID)14883069(PQKB)21015336(MiAaPQ)EBC4503272(EXLCZ)99371000000063542120160115d2016 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrControversial chiefs in colonial Kenya the untold story of Senior Chief Waruhiu Wa Kung'u, 1890-1952 /Evanson N. WamagattaLanham :Lexington Books,2016.1 online resource (207 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4985-2147-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Early colonial chiefs in Kiambu district, 1902-1922 -- Waruhiu's early life, 1890-1916 -- Quest for power, 1917-1922 -- Relationship with the colonizers, 1922-1952 -- Relationship with the colonized, 1922-1952 -- Councilor of Kiambu Local Native Council, 1925-1952 -- Life behind the scenes, 1922-1952 -- Prelude to Waruhiu's murder, 1941-1952 -- Assassination of Senior Chief Waruhiu -- Who killed Waruhiu and why? -- Conclusion.This book documents the life of Senior Chief Waruhiu, one of colonial Kenya's most controversial chiefs, from his birth in 1890 to his death in 1952.Colonial administratorsKenyaBiographyKikuyu (African people)BiographyKikuyu (African people)Politics and governmentChiefdomsKenyaKiambu DistrictKiambu District (Kenya)Politics and government20th centuryKenyaPolitics and governmentTo 1963KenyaHistory1895-1963Colonial administratorsKikuyu (African people)Kikuyu (African people)Politics and government.Chiefdoms967.6203092Wamagatta Evanson N.1466189MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910798225303321Controversial chiefs in colonial Kenya3676531UNINA