04068oam 2200685I 450 991046161860332120200520144314.01-283-45933-797866134593361-136-58883-30-203-18098-410.4324/9780203180983 (CKB)2670000000148654(EBL)957463(OCoLC)798533170(SSID)ssj0000652680(PQKBManifestationID)11376657(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000652680(PQKBWorkID)10642342(PQKB)11027203(MiAaPQ)EBC957463(Au-PeEL)EBL957463(CaPaEBR)ebr10534944(CaONFJC)MIL345933(OCoLC)781542964(EXLCZ)99267000000014865420180706d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEthical issues in psychology /Philip Banyard and Cara FlanaganHove, East Sussex :Routledge,2011.1 online resource (193 p.)Foundations of PsychologyDescription based upon print version of record.0-415-42988-9 0-415-42987-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Ethical Issues in Psychology; Copyright; Contents; List of figures; Series preface; Preface; 1 Rights and wrongs; How ethical judgements affect people; Ethical issues; What are ethics?; Developing morals and being moral; Why study ethics?; Summary; 2 Ethical issues and how to deal with them; Ethical principles and the issues they bring up; Justifying unethical research; Strategies used to deal with ethical issues; Summary; 3 Ethical principles and guidelines; What are ethical principles and guidelines?; Limitations of ethical principles as a way of resolving ethical issuesUsing the principles and guidelines to judge researchSummary; 4 Psychological research with human participants; Laboratories and experiments; Field studies; Natural experiments; Observational studies; Questionnaire surveys; Research using correlational analysis; Case studies; Cross-cultural research; Placebo studies; Internet-mediated research (IMR); Socially sensitive research; Summary; 5 Psychological research with animals; Emotion and flawed logic; Examples of research with non-human animals; Regulation of animal research; Usefulness: The scientific arguments for using animals in researchThe ethical arguments for using animals in researchConclusion; Summary; 6 Psychology in practice; Military psychology; Media psychologists; Psychologists and therapy; Speaking out; Conclusion; Summary; 7 Ethics and your research project; Your own research; Key questions to ask when writing your ethics statement for your project; Summary; Glossary; References; IndexHow do we know right from wrong, good from bad, help from hindrance, and how can we judge the behaviour of others?Ethics are the rules and guidelines that we use to make such judgements. Often there are no clear answers, which make this subject both interesting and potentially frustrating. In this book, the authors offer readers the opportunity to develop and express their own opinions in relation to ethics in psychology.There are many psychological studies that appear to have been harmful or cruel to the people or animals that took part in them. For example, memory researcherFoundations of PsychologyPsychologyMoral and ethical aspectsEthicsElectronic books.PsychologyMoral and ethical aspects.Ethics.174/.915Banyard Philip1953-,623854Flanagan Cara1951-147429MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910461618603321Ethical issues in psychology1972163UNINA