05576nam 2200733 a 450 991046160220332120211005100033.01-283-47938-997866134793891-4081-5971-61-4081-5969-4(CKB)2670000000148670(EBL)863153(OCoLC)782877294(SSID)ssj0000632824(PQKBManifestationID)11389679(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000632824(PQKBWorkID)10616533(PQKB)11569421(MiAaPQ)EBC863153(Au-PeEL)EBL863153(CaPaEBR)ebr10535519(CaONFJC)MIL347938(MiAaPQ)EBC3003172(MiAaPQ)EBC6163154(Au-PeEL)EBL3003172(OCoLC)780141133(EXLCZ)99267000000014867020120307d2012 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrBrand anarchy[electronic resource] managing corporate reputation /Steve Earl and Stephen WaddingtonLondon Bloomsbury Pub.20121 online resource (290 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4081-5722-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Title Page; Dedication; Contents; Introduction; Chapter 1 Corporate reputation; Control in far simpler times; Appliance of science; Seeking more than fragile influence; What is PR these days?; The changing editorial world; In pursuit of the science of reputation; Is a best-guess still best?; Judgement days; Gaining command, not seizing control; Chapter 2 Media: traditional versus digital; The decline of print; Broadcast is booming; Changing media habits; The new media; Journalism versus user-generated content; Maintaining standards; Changing media models; What will readers pay for?No limits content 'Google charged'; Who are the new newsagents?; The future of media: smaller, leaner and less profitable; Chapter 3 Cutting out the middleman; The wall came down; Does each media type need a different approach?; Finding common ground; Conversation: an art; The daunting scale of conversations; The mighty media mashup; Media everywhere: mobile, static, work and play; Have appetites changed?; They're listening. What now?; A world of influence beyond engagement; Integrated media planning; Chapter 4 The end of spin and the need for authentic communicationNew organisational influence flows Radical transparency; Brandjacking: do you know who I am?; Authentic communication; Propaganda relations; The corporate obsession with press releases and other wire fodder; PR spam; An Inconvenient PR Truth; Searching for answers; The social media press release; Chapter 5 The audience answers back; Why are we baiting?; 'Oh behave!'; The social media bear pit; When conversation takes flight; You're being watched, everywhere; Conversation is also complex; The chatter that matters; Give a little, take a lot?; Chapter 6 On the inside; So who's in charge now?Getting to grips with changing media Don't underestimate the fascination; Wagging tongues, willing ears; You're a media brand, yes?; Becoming part of the action; And it's happening anyway; Learning by listening; Chapter 7 Monitoring and the management of risk; BP: Brutal Predicament; Making sense of data; Man versus machine; Sentiment analysis and other snake oil; Measure outcomes not outputs; Flawed metrics: reach and readership; Peer metrics; Can crowds really be wise?; Crap detection: verifying Internet sources; Legal process on the Internet; Protecting identity in networksChapter 8 Measuring reputation Making it count; Data with destiny; Does it really do that?; The search goes on; What is the public relations industry doing?; Death of Advertising Value Equivalent (AVE); The business of influence; If not reputation, what about influence?; Life in the P&L; Once you've measured, what then?; Chapter 9 Participation: the future of organisational communication; Back to the street; Searching for answers; Social relationship management; Social media and communication in a crisis; Brands as media; Bridges don't talk; people do; Participation; Developing communitiesDeveloping a social media strategyAs the media landscape looks increasingly diverse and anarchic, individuals, organisations and governments should not waste time wondering whether they have lost control of their reputations. The simple fact is that they have never had control. The question is what they can do about it now, and what they need to consider for the future. The fragmentation of media and the rise of social media has brought brand and personal reputational risk into sharp focus like never before. Disaffected shareholders, customers and staff are voicing their opinions to a global internet audience. In a brand conteBrand name productsProduct managementCorporate imageElectronic books.Brand name products.Product management.Corporate image.659.2Earl Steve1026296Waddington Stephen906318MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910461602203321Brand anarchy2441136UNINA