04067oam 2200637I 450 991046157080332120200520144314.01-136-67341-50-203-80913-010.4324/9780203809136 (CKB)2670000000174661(EBL)718889(OCoLC)797918703(SSID)ssj0000652773(PQKBManifestationID)11398158(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000652773(PQKBWorkID)10659387(PQKB)10649460(MiAaPQ)EBC718889(Au-PeEL)EBL718889(CaPaEBR)ebr10551298(CaONFJC)MIL761421(OCoLC)794003379(EXLCZ)99267000000017466120180706d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrIran and the international system /edited by Anoushiravan Ehteshami and Reza MolaviMilton Park, Abingdon, Oxon [England] ;New York :Routledge,2012.1 online resource (237 p.)Durham modern Middle East and Islamic world seriesDescription based upon print version of record.0-415-72622-0 0-415-55966-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front Cover; Iran and the International System; Copyright Page; Contents; List of figures and tables; Notes on contributors; Editors' acknowledgments; Introduction: Anoushiravan Ehteshami and Reza Molavi; 1. Iran's religious fundaments and principles in interaction with the international system: Ali Akbar Alikhani; 2. Political rationality of the Islamic Republic of Iran in comparison with contemporary fundamentalism: Morteza Bahrani; 3. The Islamic Republic of Iran and the ideal international system: Dehghani Firooz-Abadi; 4. Peace and security in the international system: Asghar Eftekhary5. The Islamic republic of Iran and the international system: clash with the domination paradigm: Manouchehr Mohammadi6. Transnational culture and international relations of Iran: Mohammad Javad Nateghpour; 7. Two different faces of Iran-West relations: incompatibility of official levels with everyday life: Vahid Shalchi; 8. Domestic politics and foreign policy in contemporary Iran: Anoushiravan Ehteshami; 9. Foreign policy as social construction: Hossein Salimi; 10. Discourse and violence: the friend-enemy conjunction in contemporary Iranian-American relations: Arshin Adib-Moghaddam11. Energy security and Iran's role in international relations: Paul Rogers12. The impact of Iran's tenth presidential elections on its relations with the EU and Mediterranean states: Mahboubeh Sadeghinia; 13. The 2009 Iranian presidential elections in comparative perspective: Luciano Zaccara; 14. Concluding thoughts: Nadir Gohari; Select bibliography; IndexMuch attention in the West has focused on Iran as a problem country. This book challenges the representations of Iran as a hostile regional power led by ideologues, and goes further by discussing how international relations are viewed from inside Iran itself, outlining the factors which underpin Iranian thinking on international relations and considering what role Iran, as a large and significant country in the Middle East, ought to play in a fairly constructed international system. The book is written by leading scholars and policy makers from inside, as well as from outside, Iran aDurham modern Middle East and Islamic world series.International relationsIranForeign relations1997-Electronic books.International relations.327.55Ehteshami Anoushiravan645888Molavi Reza965131FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910461570803321Iran and the international system2189591UNINA