03338nam 2200613 450 991046152780332120200520144314.01-283-20186-097866132018670-8264-3453-3(CKB)2670000000106682(EBL)742691(OCoLC)741691470(SSID)ssj0000525187(PQKBManifestationID)12186764(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000525187(PQKBWorkID)10487558(PQKB)10581295(MiAaPQ)EBC742691(Au-PeEL)EBL742691(CaPaEBR)ebr10867036(CaONFJC)MIL320186(OCoLC)893335671(EXLCZ)99267000000010668219920123d1992 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrRadicalism and reform in Britain, 1780-1850 /J.R. DinwiddyLondon :Hambledon Press,1992.1 online resource (475 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-85285-062-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.CONTENTS; Preface; Publications by J.R. Dinwiddy not included in this Volume; Introduction by H.T. Dickinson; Acknowledgements; 1 Charles James Fox and the People; 2 Charles James Fox as Historian; 3 Christopher Wyvill and Reform, 1790-1820; 4 'The Patriotic Linen Draper': Robert Waithman and the Revival of Radicalism in the City of London, 1795-1818; 5 Charles Hall, Early English Socialist; 6 Sir Francis Burdett and Burdettite Radicalism; 7 The Early Nineteenth-Century Campaign against Flogging in the Army; 8 The Use of the Crown's Power of Deportation under the Aliens Act, 1793-18269 Conceptions of Revolution in the English Radicalism of the 1790s10 Interpretations of Anti-Jacobinism; 11 English Radicals and the French Revolution, 1800-1850; 12 Utility and Natural Law in Burke's Thought: A Reconsideration; 13 James Mill on Burke's Doctrine of Prescription; 14 Burke and the Utilitarians: A Rejoinder; 15 Bentham's Transition to Political Radicalism, 1809-10; 16 Bentham and the Early Nineteenth Century; 17 Bentham on Private Ethics and the Principle of Utility; 18 Early-Nineteenth-Century Reactions to Benthamism; 19 Adjudication under Bentham's Pannomion20 Luddism and Politics in the Northern Counties21 Chartism; 22 Bentham and Marx; IndexThis book brings together the articles of J.R. Dinwiddy to show both the coherence and importance of his contribution to British history in this period. His work covers the spectrum of political activity and thought from the Whigs to the Luddites and from Burke via Bentham to Marx.RadicalismGreat BritainHistoryGreat BritainPolitics and government19th centuryGreat BritainPolitics and government1760-1820Electronic books.RadicalismHistory.941.07/3Dinwiddy J. R(John Rowland),1939-886087MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910461527803321Radicalism and reform in Britain, 1780-18501978684UNINA