03233oam 2200637I 450 991046150670332120200520144314.01-283-37931-797866133793130-203-83074-11-136-82447-210.4324/9780203830741 (CKB)2670000000137331(EBL)668407(OCoLC)769927119(SSID)ssj0000570612(PQKBManifestationID)12204147(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000570612(PQKBWorkID)10592803(PQKB)11645817(MiAaPQ)EBC668407(Au-PeEL)EBL668407(CaPaEBR)ebr10522491(CaONFJC)MIL337931(EXLCZ)99267000000013733120180706d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrFabricating quality in education data and governance in Europe /edited by Jenny Ozga. [et al.]1st ed.London :Routledge,2011.1 online resource (198 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-415-58342-X Includes bibliographical references (p. [161]-177) and index.Changing spatial and social relations in education in Europe / Martin Lawn, Risto Rinne and Sotiria Grek -- Fabricating Europe / Sotiria Grek and Risto Rinne -- Europe through experts and technologies / Martin Lawn and Christina Segerholm -- National policy brokering and the construction of the European education space in England, Sweden, Finland and Scotland / Sotiria Grek ... [et al.] -- Europe and the global / Risto Rinne and Jenny Ozga -- Europe in translation / Jenny Ozga, Peter Dahler-Larsen and Christina Segerholm -- The governance turn / Jenny Ozga, Christina Segerholm and Hannu Simola -- Governing by numbers / Hannu Simola ... [et al.] -- Central-local relations of governance / Jenny Ozga ... [et al.] -- Teachers' perceptions of quality assurance and evaluation / John Gray ... [et al.].How is European Education Governed?Data is now the lifeblood of education governance. At the international level, organisations like the OECD steer education systems through their programmes of assessment and the European Commission's project of creating the most successful knowledge economy in the world is driven by data collection, analysis and comparison. At the national level, policy-makers increasingly depend on data to show them where they are positioned, in relation to their competitors, and draw on data to justify policy directions. Within systems, schools and teachers have bEducation and stateEuropeEducationEuropeStatisticsEuropean cooperationElectronic books.Education and stateEducationEuropean cooperation.379.4Ozga Jennifer920320MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910461506703321Fabricating quality in education2064246UNINA