05316nam 2200637Ia 450 991046149380332120200520144314.01-283-73508-30-12-385927-1(CKB)2670000000147356(EBL)872582(OCoLC)778786624(SSID)ssj0000629810(PQKBManifestationID)12284086(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000629810(PQKBWorkID)10732010(PQKB)11670751(MiAaPQ)EBC872582(Au-PeEL)EBL872582(CaPaEBR)ebr10554564(CaONFJC)MIL404758(EXLCZ)99267000000014735620120130d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrVeterinary toxicology[electronic resource] basic and clinical principles /edited by Ramesh C. Gupta2nd ed.Amsterdam ;Boston Elsevier Academic Press20121 online resource (1455 p.)Previous ed.: 2007.0-12-385926-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front Cover; Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and Clinical Principles; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; List of Contributors; I. General; 1 Veterinary toxicology: a historical perspective; The Emergence of Veterinary Toxicology; Professional Organization and Academic Recognition of Veterinary Toxicology; Published Veterinary Toxicology Literature; ...And Where Will Veterinary Toxicology Go From Here?; References; 2 Concepts in veterinary toxicology; Introduction; Historical Perspective; Historical events; Textbooks; Organizations; Evolution of Veterinary ToxicologyRoots in veterinary medicine and toxicologyEmergence of science-based toxicology; Toxicology joined to the risk paradigm; A Framework for Acquiring Information; Linkages from sources to health impacts; Toxicokinetics; Toxicodynamics; Veterinary toxicology is multi-faceted; Sources of Information; Case observations in the species of interest; Epidemiological/epizootiological studies; Experimentation; Schematic experimental designs; Acquiring toxicokinetic data; Acquiring exposure (dose)-response data; Toxicologic Descriptors; Toxicology rooted in observations; Quantifying exposureDescribing absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretionToxicant-induced responses; Describing exposure-response relationships for non-cancer endpoints; Cancer as an endpoint; New potential endpoints; Conclusions and Summary; Dedication; Acknowledgments; References; 3 Toxicokinetics; Introduction; Underlying Physiology; Absorption; Distribution; Biotransformation; Excretion; Traditional (Compartmental) Toxicokinetic Models; Introduction; Measures of absorption; Volume of distribution; Clearance; Half-life; Flip-flop kinetics; Residues; Physiologically Based Toxicokinetics; IntroductionModel constructionParameter estimation and identifiability; Model validation; Applications; Conclusions; References; 4 Factors affecting chemical toxicity; Introduction; Individual Factors; Species; Anatomical and physiological features; Enzyme expression and biotransformation pathways; Breed; Age; Pathophysiological conditions; Stress; Disease; Pregnancy; Lactation; Non-Individual Factors; Physico-chemical characteristics of the poison; Environmental conditions; Diet; Routes of exposure; Previous or coincident exposure to other chemicals (drug-drug interactions); Conclusion; References5 Toxicological testing: in vivo and in vitro modelsIntroduction; In Vivo Models in Toxicity Testing; Introduction; Animal welfare in toxicity testing; Routes of test compound administration; Reproductive toxicity tests; Developmental toxicity testing; Cutaneous toxicity testing; Genotoxicity testing; Carcinogenicity tests; Neurotoxicity; Immunotoxicity; Transgenic animals in toxicity testing; Limitations and implications of animal use in toxicological testing; In Vitro Models of Toxicity Testing; Introduction; Types of cell culture system used in toxicity testingEndpoint determination for in vitro testing systemsVeterinary Toxicology is a unique single reference that teaches the basic principles of veterinary toxicology to any student at the DVM, MS or PhD level and will continue to serve as a clinical reference for practicing veterinary toxicologists, poison control centers, marine biologists, environmentalists, and animal scientists. While most comparable texts are primarily directed toward the field of human toxicology, this is the one text needed to thoroughly prepare future veterinarians on the newest approaches for diagnosing poisoning cases in all animals from chemicals and plants of a dVeterinary toxicologyVeterinary medicineElectronic books.Veterinary toxicology.Veterinary medicine.636.08959Gupta Ramesh C(Ramesh Chandra),1949-866223MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910461493803321Veterinary toxicology1933285UNINA