03113nam 2200589 450 991046103410332120200520144314.01-4629-1684-8(CKB)3710000000400726(EBL)2028879(SSID)ssj0001459411(PQKBManifestationID)12627025(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001459411(PQKBWorkID)11456701(PQKB)10535766(MiAaPQ)EBC2028879(Au-PeEL)EBL2028879(CaPaEBR)ebr11051408(CaONFJC)MIL800529(OCoLC)908073930(EXLCZ)99371000000040072619840822d1985 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrMeasure and construction of the Japanese house /by Heino EngelFirst edition.Rutland, Vermont :Tuttle Publishing,1985.1 online resource (152 p.)Books to span the East & WestIncludes index.0-8048-1492-9 Frontcover; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Table of Contents; List of Illustrations; Publisher's Note; Introduction; Definitions; 1 MEASURING SYSTEM AND MODULE; measure of man; building measures; ken measure and module; traditional standards; 2 SYSTEM OF PLAN LAYOUT; floor mat; kyō-ma method; inaka-ma method; planimetric-functional space; 3 EXAMPLES OF FLOOR PLANS; typical floor plans; distinctions; superstition; physique of the tea room; 4 STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK; process; foundation; wall framework; roof; 5 SPACE ENCLOSURES; japanese wall; floor; ceiling; 6 MOVABLE SPACE CONTROLS; fittingstranslucent paper panelopaque paper panel; windows; 7 CONSTRUCTIONS FOR SPIRITUAL SPACES; picture recess; shelving recess; study place; 8 HOUSE ENCLOSURES; wooden shutters; shutter compartment; doors; CONCLUSION; for contemporary architecture; INDEX; BackcoverA remarkable classic work on traditional Japanese architecture and its general integrative quality, the order of space and form, the flexibility of partitions and room functions and other important or unique qualities. The author describes in detail, and with numerous architectural plans and drawings, the influence of the anatomy of the Japanese human body on traditional units of measurement and on house construction. This work is not simply a description of the features of the Japanese house, but ""an invitation to probe the possibilities of utilizing this architectural achievement of the JaBooks to span the East & West.House constructionJapanArchitecture, DomesticJapanElectronic books.House constructionArchitecture, Domestic690/.0952Engel Heino728602MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910461034103321Measure and construction of the Japanese house2273742UNINA