07110nam 2200733 450 991046091270332120210427011547.01-61811-363-110.1515/9781618113634(CKB)3710000000454799(EBL)3425621(SSID)ssj0001551231(PQKBManifestationID)16167746(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001551231(PQKBWorkID)14811669(PQKB)10963651(MiAaPQ)EBC3425621(DE-B1597)540975(OCoLC)921986937(DE-B1597)9781618113634(Au-PeEL)EBL3425621(CaPaEBR)ebr11083661(OCoLC)935242840(EXLCZ)99371000000045479920150812h20152015 uy pengur|nu---|u||utxtccrRussian Silver age poetry texts and contexts /edited and introduced by Sibelan E. S. Forrester and Martha M. F. Kelly ; book design by Ivan GraveBoston, [Massachusetts] :Academic Studies Press,2015.©20151 online resource (350 p.)Cultural SyllabusIncludes indexes.1-61811-352-6 Front matter --Contents --Preface --How To Use This Book --Some Issues in Translating Russian Poetry into English --Several Different Versions of the Same Russian Poem --Acknowledgments --Sources and Permissions --Introduction: Poetry of the Russian Silver Age /Forrester, Sibelan / Kelly, Martha --SECTION I: THE POETS --Biographies and Poetry --Anna Akhmatova --Innokenty Annensky --Nikolai Aseev --Konstantin Balmont --Andrei Bely --Alexander Blok --Valery Bryusov --Sergei Esenin --Zinaida Gippius --Nikolai Gumilyov --Vyacheslav Ivanov --Velimir Khlebnikov --Vladislav Khodasevich --Nikolai Klyuev --Alexei Kruchonykh --Mikhail Kuzmin --Mirra Lokhvitskaya --Osip Mandelstam --Vladimir Mayakovsky --Dmitri Merezhkovsky --Sofia Parnok --Boris Pasternak --Igor Severyanin --Maria Shkapskaya --Fyodor Sologub --Vladimir Solovyov --Marina Tsvetaeva --Maximilian Voloshin --Selected Bibliography of Poetry Translations --SECTION II: BEYOND POETRY --Introduction --Essays --From Poetry as Enchantment (1915) /Balmont, Konstantin --Symbolism and Contemporary Russian Art (1908) /Bely, Andrei --Keys to the Mysteries (1904) /Bryusov, Valery --A Holy Sacrifice (1905) /Bryusov, Valery --Symbolism's Legacy and Acmeism (1913) /Gumilyov, Nikolai --Nietzsche and Dionysus (1904) /Ivanov, Vyacheslav --The Precepts of Symbolism (1910) /Ivanov, Vyacheslav --Thoughts on Symbolism (1912) /Ivanov, Vyacheslav --The Morning of Acmeism (1913) /Mandelstam, Osip --The Word and Culture (1921) /Mandelstam, Osip --From The Apocalypse of Our Times (1917) /Rozanov, Vasily --Poets' Demons (1907) /Sologub, Fyodor --Criticism --Innokenty Annensky (1963) /Akhmatova, Anna --From "On Contemporary Lyrism" (1909) /Annensky, Innokenty --In Memory of Vrubel (1916) /Blok, Alexander --Chertova kukla (The Devil's Doll): A Novel by Z. N. Gippius (1911) /Chukovsky, Kornei --Reviews of Works by Blok, Klyuev, Balmont, and Others (1912) /Gumilyov, Nikolai --Review of Akhmatova's Beads (1914) /Gumilyov, Nikolai --Foreword to Evening by Anna Akhmatova (1912) /Kuzmin, Mikhail --Review of Igor Severyanin's The Thunder- Seething Goblet (1913) /Mandelstam, Osip --On Contemporary Poetry: Almanac of the Muses (1916) /Mandelstam, Osip --V. V. Khlebnikov (1922) Obituary note /Mayakovsky, Vladimir --In Quest of a Path for Art (1913) /Parnok, Sofia --On Symbolists and Decadents (1901) (from Religiia i kul'tura, St. Petersburg) /Rozanov, Vasily --Reviews of Russian Symbolists (1894) /Solovyov, Vladimir --Downpour of Light: Poetry of Eternal Courage (1922) /Tsvetaeva, Marina --The Horoscope of Cherubina de Gabriak (1909) /Voloshin, Maximilian --Memoirs --Reminiscences of Alexander Blok (1955) /Akhmatova, Anna --From "Osip Mandelstam" (1964) /Akhmatova, Anna --Bryusov (1925) (excerpt from the book Living Faces) /Gippius, Zinaida --The End of Renata (1928) /Khodasevich, Vladislav --From The One-and-a-Half-Eyed Archer (1933) /Livshitz, Benedikt --From On the Banks of the Neva (1967) /Odoevtseva, Irina --On Vladimir Mayakovsky (1931) (from Safe Conduct) /Pasternak, Boris --From a review of Kuzmin's Alexandrian Songs (1906) /Voloshin, Maximilian --Other Prose Works --Letter to Alexander Blok (1907) /Annensky, Innokenty --Letter to Maximilian Voloshin (1909) /Annensky, Innokenty --Futurist Manifestos (1912, 1913) --Letters to Vyacheslav Ivanov (1909) /Mandelstam, Osip --Quote about the Stray Dog cabaret (no date) /Shklovsky, Viktor --The Demonic Woman (1913) /Tèffi, Nadezhda --Thematic Index --Index of Poem Titles and First Lines (Russian) --Index of Poem Titles and First Lines (English)Russian Silver Age writers were full participants in European literary debates and movements. Today some of these poets, such as Akhmatova, Mandelstam, Mayakovsky, Pasternak, and Tsvetaeva, are known around the world. This volume introduces Silver Age poetry with its cultural ferment, the manifestos and the philosophical, religious, and aesthetic debates, the occult references and sexual experimentation, and the emergence of women, Jews, gay and lesbian poets, and peasants as part of a brilliant and varied poetic environment. After a thorough introduction, the volume offers brief biographies of the poets and selections of their work in translation-many of them translated especially for this volume-as well as critical and fictional texts (some by the poets themselves) that help establish the context and outline the lively discourse of the era and its indelible moral and artistic aftermath.Cultural syllabus.Russian poetry20th centuryHistory and criticismRussian poetry19th centuryHistory and criticismRussian poetry20th centuryTranslations into EnglishRussian poetry19th centuryTranslations into EnglishModernism (Literature)RussiaModernism (Literature)Soviet UnionElectronic books.Russian poetryHistory and criticism.Russian poetryHistory and criticism.Russian poetryRussian poetryModernism (Literature)Modernism (Literature)891.71409Forrester Sibelan E. S(Sibelan Elizabeth S.),Kelly Martha M. F.Grave Ivan Platonovich1874-1960,MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910460912703321Russian Silver age poetry2479302UNINA05767nam 2200709 450 991078785470332120230124191227.01-62637-129-610.1515/9781626371293(CKB)2670000000546571(EBL)3329098(SSID)ssj0001133536(PQKBManifestationID)12428566(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001133536(PQKBWorkID)11159237(PQKB)10678493(MiAaPQ)EBC3329098(Au-PeEL)EBL3329098(CaPaEBR)ebr10913717(OCoLC)871258485(DE-B1597)623763(DE-B1597)9781626371293(EXLCZ)99267000000054657120140901h20112011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrChina engages Latin America tracing the trajectory /edited by Adrian H. Hearn, José Luis León Manríquez ; contributors, Carlos Alzugaray Treto [and eighteen others]Boulder, Colorado ;London, [England] :Lynne Rienner Publishers,2011.©20111 online resource (343 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-58826-767-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.""Book Title""; ""Table of Contents""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Foreword""; ""ch 1-China and Latin America: A New Era of an Old Exchange""; ""The Early Trajectory of Chinaâ€?s Engagement with Latin America""; ""China, Latin America, and the Cold War: From the Third World to Renewed Diplomacy""; ""Sinoâ€?Latin American Relations Today: Emerging Trends of a Diplomatic Great Leap Forward""; ""The Key Findings at a Glance""; ""Notes""; ""Part 1: Grand Strategies and Local Responses""; ""ch 2-The Chinaâ€?Latin America Relationship: Convergences and Divergences""; ""A New Relationship""""Beyond Conventional Approaches""""Global Level: Models of Development""; ""Hemispheric Level: The Weight of Attitudes""; ""Domestic Level: Informal Rules and Institutions""; ""Conclusion""; ""Notes""; ""ch 3-Ten Key Questions""; ""1. Why Is Latin America Important for China?""; ""2. Recent Advances in Sinoâ€?Latin American Relations""; ""3. Problem Areas in Chinaâ€?Latin America Relations""; ""4. Areas of Misunderstanding""; ""5. The US Factor in Sinoâ€?Latin American Relations""; ""6. The Economic Crisis and New Opportunities for Cooperation""""7. Chinaâ€?s First Policy Paper on Latin America: Loud Voice or Silent Action?""""8. Bridges to Latin America: The Overseas Chinese""; ""9. The Taiwan Issue in Sinoâ€?Latin American Relations""; ""10. Neocolonialism vs. South-South Cooperation""; ""Notes""; ""ch 4-Economic Fundamentals of the Relationship""; ""Macroeconomic Trends""; ""Revisiting Chinaâ€?s Effect on Latin America: Three Myths""; ""China as a Destination for Latin American Exports""; ""South-South Cooperation at the Firm Level""; ""Three Policy Recommendations""; ""Conclusion""; ""Notes""""ch 5-Chinaâ€?s Challenge to Latin American Development""""The Debate So Far""; ""Economic and Trade Performance: China and Latin America Compared""; ""State and Market: The Need for Synthesis""; ""Conclusion: Back to the Future""; ""Notes""; ""ch 6-The Obama Administration, Latin America, and the Middle Kingdom""; ""A Region in Flux: US Goals and Chinese Strategies""; ""Venezuela and Brazil: The Geopolitics of the South""; ""The Obama Administration: New Opportunities or Rising Constraints?""; ""Domestic Constraints Facing the Obama Administration""; ""Conclusion""; ""Notes""""ch 7-Conflicting US Perceptions of Chinaâ€?s Inroads in Latin America""""The Politics of Posturing""; ""Chinaâ€?s Economic Relationship with Latin America""; ""Crisis Management""; ""Political and Security Concerns""; ""The Taiwan Factor""; ""Governance and Transparency: Challenges for the Future""; ""Conclusion: From Threat to Stakeholder?""; ""Notes""; ""Part 2: Country Studies""; ""ch 8-China and Mexico: Trade, Migration, and Guanxi""; ""Chinaâ€?s Macroeconomic Relations with Mexico""; ""The Chinese Diaspora in Mexico""""Trans-Pacific Guanxi: The Chinese Associations of Mexicali and Tijuana""What inroads is China making in Latin America? In China Engages Latin America, experts from three continents provide local answers to this global question. The authors explore the multiple motivations driving the establishment of new Sino–Latin American linkages, the nature of those linkages, and the reactions that they have generated. They also examine how China–Latin America relations have developed over more than two hundred years. The result is a work that deals with key issues of broad regional relevance, as well as country-specific political, economic, and cultural concerns.POLITICAL SCIENCE / World / AsianbisacshChinaForeign relationsLatin AmericaLatin AmericaForeign relationsChinaChinaForeign economic relationsLatin AmericaLatin AmericaForeign economic relationsChinaLatin AmericaStrategic aspectsChinaStrategic aspectsPOLITICAL SCIENCE / World / Asian.337.5108Hearn Adrian H.1975-León José LuisAlzugaray Treto CarlosMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910787854703321China engages Latin America3864839UNINA