05207nam 2200613 450 991046091150332120200520144314.01-59756-844-9(CKB)3710000000417163(EBL)2055696(SSID)ssj0001481378(PQKBManifestationID)12624606(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001481378(PQKBWorkID)11517946(PQKB)11754166(MiAaPQ)EBC2055696(Au-PeEL)EBL2055696(CaPaEBR)ebr11056933(OCoLC)912320770(EXLCZ)99371000000041716320150601h20072007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAssessment of dysphagia in adults resources and protocols in English and Spanish /Maria Provencio-Arambula, M.A, Dora Provencio, M.A., M.N. Hegde, Ph.DSan Diego, California ;Oxford, England ;Brisbane, Queensland :Plural Publishing, Inc.,2007.©20071 online resource (373 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-59756-095-2 Includes bibliographical references.Contents; Preface; Introduction to Dysphagia Assessment Resources and Protocols; How to Use the Accompanying CD; Section 1. Introduction to Feeding and Swallowing; Feeding and Swallowing; Feeding Difficulties; Causes of Feeding Difficulties; How to Use the Assessment Resources; Assessment Resource 1.1a (English); Assessment Resource 1.1b (Spanish); Swallowing Difficulties; Signs and Symptoms of Dysphagia; Causes of Dysphagia; Complications of Dysphagia; How to Use the Assessment Resources; Assessment Resource 1.2a (English); Assessment Resource 1.2b (Spanish); Dysphagia Management TeamSection 2. Normal SwallowOverview of the Swallowing Process; Phases of Swallowing; Disorders of Swallowing; How to Use the Patient and Family Education Resources; Assessment Resource 2.1a (English); Assessment Resource 2.1b (Spanish); Assessment Resource 2.2a (English); Assessment Resource 2.2b (Spanish); Assessment Resource 2.3a (English); Assessment Resource 2.3b (Spanish); Section 3. Assessment of Swallowing; Overview; Screening for Swallowing Problems; Assessment Protocol 3.1a (English); Assessment Protocol 3.1b (Spanish); Protocols for the Preparatory EvaluationAssessment Protocol 3.2a (English)Assessment Protocol 3.2b (Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.3a (English); Assessment Protocol 3.3b (Spanish); History of the Patient and the Swallowing Problems; Assessment Protocol 3.4a (English); Assessment Protocol 3.4b (Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.5a (English); Materials Needed for Preparatory Evaluation; Assessment Protocol 3.6a (English); Assessment Protocol 3.6b (Spanish); Protocols for the Clinical Swallowing Evaluation; Orofacial Examination; Assessment Protocol 3.7a (English); Assessment Protocol 3.7b (Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.8a (English)Assessment Protocol 3.8b (Spanish)Clinical Swallow Examination; The Swallowing Examination Protocol; Assessment Protocol 3.9 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.10 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.11 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.12 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.13 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.14 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.15 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.16 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.17 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 3.18a (English); Assessment Protocol 3.18b (Spanish)Section 4. Communicating the Assessment ResultsAssessment Protocol 4.1 (English/Spanish); Section 5. Diet Recommendations; Assessment Protocol 5.1 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 5.2 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 5.3 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 5.4 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 5.5 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 5.6 (English/Spanish); Assessment Protocol 5.7 (English/Spanish); General Guidelines for Diet Modification; Section 6. Nonoral Feeding Options; Criteria for Recommendation of Tube Feeding; Nasogastric Tube FeedingPercutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tube and Jejunostomy Tube FeedingThis book introduces background information and procedural overviews needed to assess swallowing disorders in adults in addition to offering detailed protocols for administering the assessment. The majority of protocols in this book are provided in both English and Spanish, allowing clinicians to effectively and efficiently assess swallowing disorders in a wide variety of patients, including those speaking Spanish.Deglutition disordersElectronic books.Deglutition disorders.616.3/23Provencio-Arambula Maria902116Provencio DoraHegde M. N(Mahabalagiri N.),1941-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910460911503321Assessment of dysphagia in adults2143949UNINA