04961nam 2200661 450 991046071150332120200520144314.087-593-2167-9(CKB)3710000000526969(EBL)4186716(SSID)ssj0001580323(PQKBManifestationID)16258045(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001580323(PQKBWorkID)13133332(PQKB)11578593(MiAaPQ)EBC4186716(Au-PeEL)EBL4186716(CaPaEBR)ebr11128270(OCoLC)932097334(EXLCZ)99371000000052696920160104h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe good paper a handbook for writing papers in higher education /Lotte Rienecker and Peter Stray Jørgensen ; with contributions by Signe SkovFirst printed edition.Frederiksberg, Denmark :Samfundslitteratur,2015.©20151 online resource (385 p.)Description based upon print version of record.87-593-1790-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.The Good Paper - A handbook for writing papers in higher education; Copyright; Contents; Foreword to the English version; Use; Foundation and background; Research papers, BA theses and essays; Examples from good papers from professional bachelor and master programmes; Collaboration with research libraries; Activity book; Contact the authors; Reading Guide; 1. Good Papers in Higher Education - Genres and Quality Criteria; The research paper as a genre; The research genre investigates a subject-specific problem; The research paper meets scientific and scholarly requirementsResearch means bringing factors into playThe research text is hierarchical; Research is both the knowledge and the inquiry of the field; Academic speech acts; Requirements and qualities of the good paper in higher education; Avoid common misconceptions of what constitutes a good paper; Other types of papers and genres you will have to write as a student; Other types of papers: Popularising papers, practice papers, tests; The foundation of your research - the paper's pentagon; What can be included in the pentagon's corners?; Examples of good papers in the pentagon model; Use the pentagonThe good paper's quality criteriaA teacher's comments on a paper; Rhetoric of science; 1. In the good paper, the writer is professional and displays independence; Independence; 2. The good paper uses the field's knowledge and tools; Knowledge production; 3. The good paper is focused; 4. The good paper is "written" on the top of the taxonomies of educational objectives.; 5. The good paper is an argument; 6. The good paper is critical of its own material, its field and of itself; 7. The good paper communicates on a meta level; 8. The good paper meets the curriculum's parametersRead your curriculumExamples of qualities in bachelor theses; Nuances?; The different purposes and ideals of the Anglo-American and Continental research traditions; Advice to students writing in the Continental tradition; 2. Writing Processes of Research Papers; Choice of topic; Your interest in the topic; The useful topic; The good topic; Theoretical, abstract or concrete topics?; After choosing a topic, the first thing you should do is write; You have started writing, yes, but what?; Write before and while you read; Write backwards - start with the conclusion; Begin with the central aspectsPut off in depth studies of theory and history, summaries and descriptionsBe flexible when writing; Introductory writing is writing to think; The techniques of writing to think; Brainstorming; Mind mapping; Non-stop writing; Broad writing; Display (visual representations) i.e. drawing the central content of your paper; Why write to think?; From writing to think to drafts to finished papers; Writing with or without an outline; The texts of the writing process: Notes, drafts and finished text; Should you write with a reader in mind?; Revising a text; Take a break; Revise on paperCriteria for revisionDissertations, AcademicHandbooks, manuals, etcAcademic writingHandbooks, manuals, etcEducation, HigherStudy and teachingHandbooks, manuals, etcElectronic books.Dissertations, AcademicAcademic writingEducation, HigherStudy and teaching808.06/6378Rienecker Lotte1030363Jørgensen Peter StraySkov SigneMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910460711503321The good paper2447210UNINA