03934oam 2200637I 450 991046065680332120210902173117.00-429-90894-60-429-48417-81-78241-459-2(CKB)3710000000500709(EBL)4093040(SSID)ssj0001656403(PQKBManifestationID)16437050(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001656403(PQKBWorkID)14984527(PQKB)10426497(MiAaPQ)EBC4093040(Au-PeEL)EBL4093040(CaPaEBR)ebr11153334(CaONFJC)MIL850096(OCoLC)940518739(OCoLC)1029248122(FlBoTFG)9780429484179(EXLCZ)99371000000050070920181122h20182015 uy 0engur||####|||||txtccrTransactional analysis in contemporary psychotherapy /by Richard G. ErskineFirst edition.Boca Raton, FL :Routledge,[2018].©2015.1 online resource (347 pages)Description based upon print version of record.0-367-10334-6 1-78220-263-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.COVER; CONTENTS; FOREWORD; PREFACE; ABOUT THE EDITOR AND CONTRIBUTORS; CHAPTER ONEA Transactional Analysis of obsession: integrating diverse concepts and methods; CHAPTER TWO Transference-countertransference focused Transactional Analysis; CHAPTER THREE The heart of redecision therapy: resolving injunctive messages; CHAPTER FOUR Opening to the vitality of unconscious experience; CHAPTER FIVE From impenetrability to transparency: the "I" of the beholder; CHAPTER SIX Changing transgenerational scripts; CHAPTER SEVEN Inference, re-experiencing, and regression: psychotherapy of Child ego statesCHAPTER EIGHT Evolving theory and practice with the self-destructive individualCHAPTER NINE Psychological games and intersubjective processes; CHAPTER TEN Transactional Analysis in the psychotherapy of personality disorders; CHAPTER ELEVEN Social-cognitive Transactional Analysis: from theory to practice; CHAPTER TWELVE Gender psychopolitics: men becoming, being, and belonging; REFERENCES; INDEXAfter fifty years of development and refinement in Transactional Analysis (TA), the theory of methods and the actual methods have changed considerably from those originally published by Eric Berne. Many concepts and methods have emerged and been subject to clinical experimentation, some have been refined and expanded and some are no longer used. This book includes contributions from several authors, each of whom presents his or her unique focus on how TA is used in their psychotherapy practice. This book will address the therapeutic effectiveness of various methods in TA and will cover a variety of topics such as unconscious experience, transference-countertransference, the therapist's transparency, transgenerational scripts, trauma and regression, psychological games, the self-destructive client, an integrative approach to the psychotherapy of obsession, gender psychopolitics, and psychotherapy from a social-cognitive perspective. It is written for both psychotherapists and counsellors who want to learn and refine their knowledge of contemporary TA methods that are most effective with today's clients.PsychotherapyTransactional analysisElectronic books.Psychotherapy.Transactional analysis.616.89145Erskine Richard G.852142FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910460656803321Transactional analysis in contemporary psychotherapy2442676UNINA