02787nam 2200577 a 450 991046041610332120200520144314.01-282-80204-697866128020411-4416-7229-X93-5043-295-1(CKB)2670000000068235(EBL)588119(OCoLC)700691314(SSID)ssj0000671734(PQKBManifestationID)11385254(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000671734(PQKBWorkID)10624749(PQKB)11109398(MiAaPQ)EBC588119(Au-PeEL)EBL588119(CaPaEBR)ebr10415505(EXLCZ)99267000000006823520101014d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdministrative law[electronic resource] /I.A. Saiyed ; foreword by Abhay S. Oka1st ed.Mumbai [India] Himalaya Pub. House20071 online resource (281 p.)Description based upon print version of record.81-8318-900-8 COVER; CONTENTS; INTRODUCTION; RULE OF LAW; SEPARATlON OF POWERS; EXECUTIVES; LEGISLATURE - I(A Wing of Sovereign State with 'Ultimate Power' to Legislate); LEGISLATURE - II (Delegated Legislation); JUDICIARY - I(Principles of Natural Justice); JUDICIARY - II (Remedies, Tribunals and Inquiry Commissions); JUDICIARY - III (Judicial Control on Administrative Discretion); JUDICIARY - IV (Redress Through Courts); ORDINARY REMEDIES OR EQUITABLE REMEDIES; EXECUTIVES - II (GOVERNMENT PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES); EXECUTIVES - III (CONTROL ON GOVERNMENT)EXECUTIVES - IV (Public Undertakings & Public Corporations)All the countries in the world have their own administration and the law relating to that administration is deal with in this book. The book is the lucid commentary, useful not only to professionals, jurists but also to lay men equally. The day and day out, the administrative actions are challenged in the Court of Law and that puts them to acid test. There all, therefore, plethora of case-lasw in this branch of law. These cases laws are exhaustively dealth with in this book.rnThe glossary of words in Marathi, Gujarati and Hindi will help the vernacular readers.rnThe Inquiry Commissions and RigAdministrative lawIndiaElectronic books.Administrative law342.73/06Saiyed I. A909288Oka Abhay S909289MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910460416103321Administrative law2034112UNINA