03246nam 2200541 450 991046026900332120200520144314.01-62722-305-3(CKB)3710000000414024(EBL)2052172(SSID)ssj0001481490(PQKBManifestationID)12630507(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001481490(PQKBWorkID)11501406(PQKB)10351487(MiAaPQ)EBC2052172(Au-PeEL)EBL2052172(CaPaEBR)ebr11306131(OCoLC)910446632(EXLCZ)99371000000041402420161206h20132013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrA brief guide to brief writing demystifying the memorandum of law /by Janet S. KoleChicago, Illinois :ABA Publishing,2013.©20131 online resource (155 p.)Includes index.1-62722-304-5 Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Table of Contents; Dedication; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: What Is a Brief?; Chapter 2: What to Avoid in a Persuasive Brief; Avoid these things; 1. Run-on sentences; 2. Poor grammar; Avoid these things, too; 3. Lack of dignity; 4. Reliance on technology; 5. Too much political correctness; 6. Failure to follow the rules; 7. Improper citations to the law; 8. Confusing and confused arguments; 9. Dirty briefs; 10. Ad hominem attacks; 11. Poor organization; Chapter 3: What Do You Want the Court to Do?; Chapter 4: Humanize Your ClientChapter 5: Write Your StoryWrite a Boffo Beginning; Use Easy-to-Read Language; Avoid Jargon; Keep It Simple; Keep Your Words In the Mainstream; Keep the Narrative Focused; Use the Active Voice; Tell Your Story from the Beginning; Courts Sanction Bad Writing; Chapter 6: Find and Argue the Law; Misstating the Holding of a Case; Saving Your Best Arguments for Last; Chapter 7: The Responsive Brief; Chapter 8: Lower Court/Appellate Court Differences; Chapter 9: The Summary of Argument, or "Introduction"; Chapter 10: Follow the Rules; Chapter 11: The Mechanics of Organization; Anatomy of a RuleChapter 12: Ethical IssuesChapter 13: Who's in Charge Here?; Chapter 14: Oral Argument; Chapter 15: A Brief in Brief; Brief-Writing Checklist; Persuasive Writing Rules of Thumb; Index; About the Author<span><span>In the third in a series of practice guides by experienced litigator Janet Kole, Covering topics that </span><span style=""font-style:italic;"">A Brief Guide to Brief Writing</span><span> covers topics such as ethical principles, lower court/appellate court distinctions, and JDAs. The author's honest and direct guidelines will help shape the brief writing of both veteran and new attorneys. </span></span>Legal briefsUnited StatesElectronic books.Legal briefs808.06634Kole Janet S.982997MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910460269003321A brief guide to brief writing2243463UNINA