03353oam 2200577I 450 991046021430332120170924231558.00-7656-1562-21-317-47819-31-315-70688-110.4324/9781315706887 (CKB)3710000000382910(EBL)2005423(OCoLC)665109717(SSID)ssj0001458431(PQKBManifestationID)12603634(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001458431(PQKBWorkID)11444423(PQKB)10601363(MiAaPQ)EBC2005423(OCoLC)958109191(EXLCZ)99371000000038291020180706e20152005 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrA defining moment the presidential election of 2004 /William Crotty, editorLondon ;New York :Routledge,2015.1 online resource (279 p.)First published 2005 by M.E. Sharpe.1-336-28206-1 0-7656-1561-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.""Cover""; ""Half Title""; ""Title Page""; ""Copyright Page""; ""Table of Contents""; ""List of Tables and Figures""; ""Preface""; ""Part I: The Context""; ""1. The Bush Presidency: Establishing the Agenda for the Campaign""; ""2. Constituencies and the Consequences of the Presidential Vote""; ""Part II: The Presidential Campaign and Congressional Races""; ""3. Political Participation in the 2004 Presidential Election: Turnout and Policy Consequences""; ""4. The Inevitable Unanticipated Consequences of Political Reform: The 2004 Presidential Nomination Process""""5. Financing the 2004 Presidential Election""""6. The Presidential Race of 2004: Strategy, Outcome, and Mandate""; ""7. Incumbency, Politics, and Policy: Detour or New Direction?""; ""8. The 2004 Congressional Races""; ""Part III: Conclusions""; ""9. Holy Owned Subsidiary: Globalization, Religion, and Politics in the 2004 Election""; ""10. The Armageddon Election""; ""11. Armageddon, Just Another Campaign, or Something In-Between? The Meaning and Consequences of the 2004 Election""; ""Appendix: Presidential Elections and Party and Candidate Success""; ""The Contributors""; ""Index""Set against the backdrop of the war in Iraq, drastically altered relations with traditional U.S. allies, intense partisanship, and a national debate over moral values, the 2004 presidential campaign presented voters with a clear choice that reflected deep divisions within the country. This collection analyzes this watershed election, and its likely consequences. The contributors examine every aspect of the election, including the strategies and tactics of the Bush and Kerry campaigns, voter turnout and policy consequences, campaign financing, and the power of incumbency.PresidentsUnited StatesElection2004Electronic books.PresidentsElection324.973/0931324.9730931Crotty William J983786MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910460214303321A defining moment2246096UNINA