03338nam 22006371 450 991046009500332120111130104330.01-4725-6527-41-283-05958-497866130595811-84731-607-710.5040/9781472565273(CKB)2670000000078029(EBL)678591(OCoLC)712015713(SSID)ssj0000518805(PQKBManifestationID)12181761(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000518805(PQKBWorkID)10495365(PQKB)10003036(MiAaPQ)EBC1772776(MiAaPQ)EBC678591(OCoLC)727741101(UtOrBLW)bpp09256450(Au-PeEL)EBL678591(EXLCZ)99267000000007802920140929d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe law of MERCOSUR /edited by Marcilio Toscano Franca Filho, Lucas Lixinski, and Maria Belen Olmos Giupponi1st ed.Oxford ;Portland :Hart Publishing,2010.1 online resource (504 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-84113-943-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.General legal aspects of MERCOSUR -- Specific and emerging issues."The Law of MERCOSUR presents both an overview and in-depth analysis of one of the world's most important and increasingly influential economic organisations. The book comprises both a series of first-hand analyses of MERCOSUR by experts from countries in the MERCOSUR bloc, and also discussions from other parts of the world looking at MERCOSUR as global actor of ever-increasing importance. The book is divided into three main parts: the first analyses the key institutional legal aspects of MERCOSUR, looking at its history, the general theory of economic integration, and basic aspects relating to the functioning of MERCOSUR; the second examines specialised topics, including the regulation of the environment, human rights and the energy market in MERCOSUR; and in the third part the editors offer a translation of core MERCOSUR instruments, with the objective of furthering understanding of the economic bloc. Original in its conception, the book aims to fill a major gap in the English-language literature by offering a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the Law of MERCOSUR, and it is hoped that it will become essential reading for those practitioners and academics who are interested not only in MERCOSUR, but in economic integration generally, in international trade, and in the regional aspects of the phenomenon of globalisation."--Bloomsbury Publishing.LawSouthern Cones of South AmericaInternational economic & trade lawSouthern Cones of South AmericaEconomic integrationElectronic books.Law346.807Filho Marclio Toscano FrancaLixinski LucasOlmos Giupponi Maria BelenUtOrBLWUtOrBLWBOOK9910460095003321Law of Mercosur1110645UNINA