02501oam 2200577I 450 991045997920332120210107024301.01-315-71187-71-317-49325-71-84465-300-597866125345151-282-53451-310.4324/9781315711874 (CKB)2670000000079318(EBL)1886906(SSID)ssj0000673834(PQKBManifestationID)11404599(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000673834(PQKBWorkID)10644735(PQKB)10032619(MiAaPQ)EBC1886906(OCoLC)958109318(EXLCZ)99267000000007931820180706e20142007 uy 0engtxtccrDavid Armstrong /Stephen MumfordLondon ;New York :Routledge,2014.1 online resource (217 p.)Philosophy nowFirst published in 2007 by Acumen.1-84465-099-5 1-84465-100-2 Includes bibliographical references (pages 195-199) and index.Cover; Half Title; Title; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Abbreviations; 1. Naturalism; 2. Universals; 3. Laws of nature; 4. Possibility; 5. Dispositions; 6. States of affairs; 7. Sensations and perceptions; 8. Metaphysics of mind; 9. Knowledge and belief; 10. Truthmaking; 11. Necessity; Bibliography; IndexDavid (D. M.) Armstrong is one of Australia's greatest philosophers. His chief philosophical achievement has been the development of a core metaphysical programme, embracing the topics of universals, laws, modality and facts: a naturalistic metaphysics, consistent with a scientific view of the natural world. It is primarily through his work that Australian philosophy, and Australian metaphysics in particular, enjoys such a high reputation in the rest of the world. In this book Stephen Mumford offers an introduction to the full range of Armstrong's thought. Mumford begins with a discussion of APhilosophy now (Teddington, London, England)PhilosophyAustraliaElectronic books.Philosophy199.94Mumford Stephen.923261AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910459979203321David Armstrong2230488UNINA