05353nam 2200685 450 991045972550332120200903223051.01-78441-109-4(CKB)3710000000229533(EBL)1780805(SSID)ssj0001375668(PQKBManifestationID)11783669(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001375668(PQKBWorkID)11336318(PQKB)11313604(MiAaPQ)EBC1780805(Au-PeEL)EBL1780805(CaPaEBR)ebr10927276(CaONFJC)MIL641179(OCoLC)888215615(EXLCZ)99371000000022953320140912h20142014 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrExploring rural enterprises new perspectives on research, policy & practice /edited by Colette Henry, Gerard McElwee ; contributors Katherine Adam [and twenty nine others]First edition.Bingley, England :Emerald,2014.©20141 online resource (278 p.)Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research,2040-7246 ;Volume 4Description based upon print version of record.1-78441-112-4 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters.Front Cover; Exploring Rural Enterprise: New Perspectives on Research, Policy and Practice; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Contributors; Series Editors' Preface; Defining and conceptualising rural enterprise; Introduction; Definitions of rural enterprise; The rural business; The rural; Drivers of rural enterprise; Conclusion; Note; References; Investigating the relationship between Scottish rural small firms' social networks, extra-local market diversification and ...; Introduction; Market reach, the Internet and the rural business environment; Market reach and social networks; MethodFindings Discussion; Conclusion; References; Exploring rural enterprise: the impact of regional stakeholder engagement on collaborative rural networks; Introduction; Building inter-organizational relationships in a rural network environment; Methodology; The rural context; Findings and discussion; Framework of regional stakeholder engagement; Conclusions; Notes; References; Contrasting Perceptions of the Challenges of Rural SMEs: Reconciling Enterprise and Agency Views; Introduction; Rural Policy and SMEs; Rural SMEs in Context; Methodology; Perspectives on Rural Business; ConclusionsReferences The Role of 'Leader' in Delivering Resilient Communities; Introduction; Policy Context; The Leader Programme in England; Leader as an Example of Neo-Endogenous Growth; Measuring Outcomes and the Social Return on Investment Approach; Scale of Impact; Conclusion; References; Addressing Rural Social Exclusion in the Developing World: Exploring the Role of African Social Purpose Ventures; Introduction; Social Purpose Venturing and the Rural BoP; Social Exclusion, Poverty and Development; Background to the Research; Social Purpose Ventures, Inclusion and the Rural BoPCharacteristics of Successful Rural Social Purpose Ventures Acknowledgements; References; Challenges Facing Rural Farm Animal Veterinary Enterprises in the UK; Introduction; Trends in Farm Animal Practice; Intrinsic Challenges for Veterinary Practices; Business Challenges; Extrinsic Challenges - Agricultural Issues Affecting Demand for Veterinary Services; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; Enterprise and Entrepreneurship on Islands; Introduction; Islands as Space and Place: Research Policy and Practice; Agencies and Policy Contexts; Comparative Peripherality and InnovationConclusions Notes; References; The Spiritual Dimension of Biodynamics: An Alternative Source of Capital in the Rural Context; Introduction; Forms of Capital; Organics; Biodynamics; The Cases; The Meaning of Biodynamics; Biodynamics as Spiritual Capital; Conclusions; References; Post-Communist Rural Entrepreneurship in Bulgaria; Introduction; The Rural Economy in Communist Times; Methodology; Start-Up Decisions in the Bulgarian Village of Kostandovo; From Narrative to Theory; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; ReferencesSupporting Female Rural Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of WiRE (Women in Rural Enterprise)This text bridges gaps in the literature by offering an edited collection of contemporary research contributions that explore the complex nature of rural enterprise across a range of settings and geographical contexts. In particular, this book includes up to date policy contributions, as well as valuable insights into rural enterprise in practice.Contemporary issues in entrepreneurship research ;Volume 4.EntrepreneurshipRural developmentElectronic books.Entrepreneurship.Rural development.33Henry ColetteMcElwee GerardAdam KatherineMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459725503321Exploring rural enterprises2250152UNINA