03757nam 2200589 450 991045969530332120200520144314.01-4629-1614-7(CKB)3710000000361016(EBL)1866841(SSID)ssj0001468910(PQKBManifestationID)11796126(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001468910(PQKBWorkID)11527350(PQKB)10780256(MiAaPQ)EBC1866841(Au-PeEL)EBL1866841(CaPaEBR)ebr11012175(CaONFJC)MIL800337(OCoLC)904404395(EXLCZ)99371000000036101620140418h20142014 uy| 0hinur|n|---|||||txtccrEssential Hindi speak Hindi with confidence /Richard DelacyNorth Clarendon, Vermont :Tuttle Publishing,2014.©20141 online resource (354 p.)Tuttle essential language series Essential Hindi Description based upon print version of record.0-8048-4432-1 Cover; Copyright; Contents; Introduction; Pronunciation guide; Basic grammar; 1. The Basics; 1.1 Personal details; 1.2 Today or tomorrow?; 1.3 What time is it?; 1.4 One, two, three...; 1.5 The weather; 1.6 Here, there...; 1.7 What does that sign say?; 1.8 Legal holidays; 2. Meet and Greet; 2.1 Greetings; 2.2 Asking a question; 2.3 Answering a question; 2.4 Thank you; 2.5 I'm sorry; 2.6 What do you think?; 3. Small Talk; 3.1 Introductions; 3.2 I beg your pardon?; 3.3 Starting a conversation; 3.4 A chat about the weather; 3.5 Hobbies; 3.6 Invitations; 3.7 Paying compliments3.8 Intimate comments/questions3.9 Congratulations and condolences; 3.10 Arrangements; 3.11 Being the host(ess); 3.12 Saying goodbye; 4. Eating Out; 4.1 At the restaurant; 4.2 Ordering; 4.3 The bill; 4.4 Complaints; 4.5 Paying a compliment; 4.6 The menu; 4.7 Alphabetical list of dishes and drinks; 4.8 Well-known dishes; 5. Getting Around; 5.1 Asking directions; 5.2 Traffic signs; 5.3 Cars, bicycles/mopeds; 5.4 The gas station; 5.5 Breakdowns and repairs; 5.6 Renting a vehicle; 5.7 Hitchhiking; 6. Arrival and Departure; 6.1 General; 6.2 Customs; 6.3 Luggage; 6.4 Questions to passengers6.5 Tickets6.6 Information; 6.7 Airports; 6.8 Trains; 6.9 Taxis; 7. A Place to Stay; 7.1 General; 7.2 Hotels/guest houses; 7.3 Complaints; 7.4 Departure; 8. Money Matters; 8.1 Banks; 8.2 Settling the bill; 8.3 Business terms; 9. Mail, Phone and Internet; 9.1 Mail; 9.2 Telephone; 9.3 Internet/email; 10. Shopping; 10.1 Shopping conversations; 10.2 Food; 10.3 Clothing and shoes; 10.4 Cameras; 10.5 At the hairdresser; 11. Tourist Activities; 11.1 Places of interest; 11.2 Going out; 11.3 Booking tickets; 12. Sports Activities; 12.1 Sporting questions; 12.2 By the waterfront; 13. Health Matters13.1 Calling a doctor13.2 What's wrong?; 13.3 The consultation; 13.4 Medications and prescriptions; 14. Emergencies; 14.1 Asking for help; 14.2 Lost items; 14.3 Accidents; 14.4 Theft; 14.5 Missing person; 14.6 The police; 15. Religion; 15.1 Religion in India; 16. English-Hindi Word ListHindi languageStudy and teachingHindi languageComposition and exercisesElectronic books.Hindi languageStudy and teaching.Hindi languageComposition and exercises.491.4383421Delacy Richard982122MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459695303321Essential Hindi2241511UNINA